White Wolf Wiki

Ready-Made Player Characters: Personae is an RMPC release for Changeling: The Lost.


From the Onyx Path catalog:

Five player characters, ready to use in your chronicle

Running a one-night game of Changeling: The Lost? Wanting to start up a new chronicle, but your players aren’t sure what to play? Looking for a fast way to dive into one of White Wolf’s SAS adventures? This PDF details “Personae”, a motley of player characters designed for instant use in your Changeling game.

A collection of player characters for Changeling: The Lost
  • Five pre-generated player characters, with both starting and experienced character sheets.
  • A brief break-down the character’s history to help players jump into the group.
  • Storyteller advice for the group, as well as links to established SAS adventures, such as The Fear-Maker's Promise.



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Changeling: The Lost books
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