The Rawis, or ruwat are the Keepers of the Lore for the Tal’Mahe’Ra. This group of scholars, who act as librarians and sentinels, protect the Guarded Rubrics, an ancient collection of secret writings sacred to the True Hand.
As Keepers of the Lore, the Rawis are a quasi-monastic tradition of the Tal’Mahe’Ra. Theirs is the responsibility of protecting and preserving the Guarded Rubrics, an incomplete but ancient doctrine concerning the origins of the Damned. The Guarded Rubrics in some cases openly conflict with or contradict the Book of Nod while in others they have almost perfect parity. Rawis may be caretakers of these priceless scripts in their Underworld libraries, or they may venture into the physical world in search of writings to fill gaps in their documents.
- VTM: Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand, p. 19, 23, 122-123
- VTM: V20 Companion, p. 30