White Wolf Wiki

Raven is a Totem of Wisdom.


Raven is the cleverest bird, though not clever enough to keep that fact to himself. He feeds without hunting, following wolves or bringing them to dead animals so they can feed. He teaches wisdom by taunting cubs into trying to catch the uncatchable bird. Raven watches the world, ever hungry for new secrets. His knowledge makes him a totem of wealth — if werewolves trust in him, Raven will provide.

Traits & Ban[]

  • Background Cost: 5


  • Individual - Pack members gain a point of Wisdom.
  • Pack - Raven’s packs have three dots of Survival, one of Subterfuge, and one of Enigmas. Wereravens are well-disposed towards the totem’s followers.


Raven’s children can’t carry wealth, trusting their totem to provide for them.

