White Wolf Wiki

Ratatosk the Squirrel is a Totem of Wisdom.


Ratatosk, the clever squirrel, sees and hears all from his secret pathways up and down the trunk of the World Tree. While he is small and puny, he knows much and teaches his children craftiness.

  • Background Cost: 4

Traits & Ban[]


All children of Ratatosk learn +2 Subterfuge and two dots in any Knowledges of their choice. Lupus children of Ratatosk can even choose Knowledges normally restricted to them upon character creation. Children of Ratatosk will always subtract one temporary Honor from any Honor Renown awards, but will also gain one extra point of temporary Wisdom every time they earn Wisdom Renown.


Children of Ratatosk become skittish and jumpy. They will always enter fox frenzy rather than a berserk, and they may not learn the Gift: Wearing the Bear Shirt.

