Rank is the Supernatural Tolerance trait of ephemeral entities. Ghosts, spirits and angels all have a Rank that represents both how powerful and how self-aware they are. A ghost of Rank 1, for instance, can only repeat certain actions on an endless loop, while a Rank 2 ghost has most of its memories intact and may be able to converse and reason. Certain other creatures, such as Cryptids, also use Rank in much the same way, though they are not ephemeral in nature.
In principle, Rank ranges from 1 to 10, but in practice, Rank 6 and higher entities are so overwhelmingly powerful and alien that they rarely interact directly with the human world; these include high-level idigam, greater Kerberoi, and the like. Conversely, some very weak entities may be Rank 0.[1] An entity two Ranks greater than an entity of the same type counts as its Bane.[2]
Some beings that interact frequently with the ephemeral world have an "honorary Rank" or "effective Rank." For Uratha, this is tied to their total accumulated Renown.[3] For Sin-Eaters, their effective Rank is the lower of their geist's Rank or their Synergy.[4] Mages adept in the Spirit Arcanum eventually gain an honorary Rank equal to their dots in Spirit.[5] This generally only applies when it would benefit the individual; a werewolf's honorary Rank allows her to devastate spirits two ranks lower, but she is not harmed in the same way by spirits two ranks higher.[6] The Unchained lose whatever Rank they held as Angels when they Fall, and start over at Primum 1.[7]
- ↑ CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Revised Storytelling System Rulebook, p. 125-6
- ↑ CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Revised Storytelling System Rulebook, p. 129
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 99
- ↑ GTSE: Geist: The Sin-Eaters Second Edition, p. 91
- ↑ MTAw: Mage: The Awakening Second Edition, p. 196
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 186 , CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Revised Storytelling System Rulebook, p. 128
- ↑ DTD: Demon: The Descent Rulebook, p. 183