White Wolf Wiki

Raina Fader is a Corax and an American private detective.


Raina's interested in the practical application of information, perhaps more so than any other Corax. A private investigator who operates out of Hartford, Connecticut (convenient flights to Boston and New York — it doesn't take her more than a couple of hours to get to either), Raina's business is equal parts corporate espionage and divorce cases. The former are lucrative, the latter are fun, and so she gets the best of both worlds.

An accomplished basketball player in college, Raina is almost six feet tall and still maintains tip-top playing condition - she recently had to turn down an inquiry from the WNBA. Her one concession to vanity is the fact that she keeps her hair long. While this has proved to be a handicap on a couple of occasions, Raina has steadfastly refused to modify her "look." This "look" also means working clothes of a long black raincoat, a hat that shades her eyes, and black leather gloves; Raina herself refers to it as "Sam Spade goes goth," but claims that it's the only sensible choice for the unpredictable Hartford weather.

Recently, Raina's been letting the business of trailing unfaithful husbands slide a little bit, while putting in more and more time on the case of a baby-food manufacturer that's been shipping tainted product to Africa as "charity." As one of her best informants has already been killed during the course of the investigation, Raina's decided that this one is personal.

