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The Rage 1997 Calendar is a Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Rage product released in 1996.


From the White Wolf Game Studio 1996 Catalog (July – January ‘97) and 1997 Spring Catalog:

Keep on top of all your appointments and dates with this attractive full-color 1997 calendar. Includes important dates from the world of Rage as well as the real world. You remember the real world, don't you?

From the back of the Calendar:

When Will You Rage?
Never be left out of date again with the official Rage calendar! Thirteen months of Garou grandeur reveal important dates for each tribe as well as other important and not-so-important events. This calendar is the number one resource for planning your dates and meetings, tournament attendance, and games of Rage, the best and hottest card game around!



  • Black Furies
    • This proud tribe of warrior-women hails from Greece, though in the past few hundred years they have established a strong presence in North America. Defenders of the Wyld, the Black Furies believe themselves to have been appointed to their role by Luna in the guise of Artemis the Huntress. Viewing themselves as incarnations of Gaia herself, they are the defenders of woman and punishers of men.
      • Tribal Totem: Pegasus
      • Signature Gifts: Body Wrack, Coup de Grace, Wasp Talons
      • Gaming Tip: The combination of the Caern of Bygone Visions and a strong sept deck that relies heavily on fetish equipment can be devastating. A pack that uses this tactic has a constant influx of fetishes to use at their whim.
  • Dates
    • Jan. 1: Last Quarter; New Year's Day
    • Jan. 8: Happy Birthday, Elvis!
    • Jan. 9: New Moon; The Mysteries - Black Furies Rite
    • Jan. 10: Peculiar People Day
    • Jan. 15: First Quarter
    • Jan. 17: Happy Birthday, Al Capone!
    • Jan. 22: St. Vincent's Day
    • Jan. 23: Full Moon
    • Jan. 26: Super Bowl Sunday - Bone Gnawer Rite
    • Jan. 31: Last Quarter


  • Bone Gnawers
    • The Bone Gnawers are one of the tribes best suited to living in cities, as they live off the scraps of society. Though they are derided for their squalor by other Garou, Bone Gnawers are undoubtedly one of the hardiest tribes, as they can survive on the detritus of any human metropolis. They are the least ceremonious tribe, valuing freedom and survival over the pomp and regalia adopted by other tribes.
      • Tribal Totem: Rat
      • Signature Gifts: Attunement, Survivor
      • Gaming Tip: The Bone Gnawers pack totem, Rat, is often overlooked by opponents when it is placed in play. As such, it is easy to lure an opponent into thinking that she has killed you, when in fact you have another round of combat in which to act. This can give you the opportunity to take your opponent's character with you when you are defeated in battle.
  • Dates
    • Feb. 2: Groundhog Day; Imbolc - Fianna Rite
    • Feb. 3: The Day the Music Died
    • Feb. 7: New Moon
    • Feb. 9: Lloyd Price's Stagger Lee Hits Billboard #1 (1959)
    • Feb. 12: Ash Wednesday
    • Feb. 13: Feralia - Silent Strider Rite
    • Feb. 14: Valentine's Day; First Quarter
    • Feb. 17: President's Day
    • Feb. 20: Happy Birthday, Enzo Ferrari!
    • Feb. 22: Full Moon
    • Feb. 24: 2nd French Republic Begins (1848)
    • Feb. 26: Happy Birthday, Johnny Cash!


  • Children of Gaia
    • The Children of Gaia are a peaceful tribe that seeks to promote Garou solidarity. All too often they are accused of weakness by other tribes, but they know that true strength lies in unity. They are often forced into roles of arbitration among the other, less subtle tribes.
      • Tribal Totem: Unicorn
      • Signature Gifts: Redemption, Serenity, Take the True Form
      • Gaming Tip: The Children of Gaia have many gifts that work in a preventative manner. For example, Remove Gaia's Blessing prevents opponent's gifts from taking place, Heart of Fury prevents a target's frenzies, and Mother's Touch prevents damage from becoming a too big an issue. Stocking up on these kinds of gifts ensures that a pack with a Child of Gaia is prepared to meet any opposition.
  • Dates
    • Mar. 2: Last Quarter
    • Mar. 4: 1st Tavern in the U.S. Opens in Boston (1634)
    • Mar. 5: Stalin Dies of a Brain Hemorrhage (1953)
    • Mar. 8: New Moon
    • Mar. 9: Happy Birthday, Raul Julia!
    • Mar. 15: Et Tu, Brute? (44 BC); First Quarter
    • Mar. 17: St. Patrick's Day. All the Green Budmilloors You Can Drink.
    • Mar. 19: Happy Birthday, Wyatt Earp!
    • Mar. 22: R'lyeh Arises, Cthulhu Fhtagan!
    • Mar. 23: Palm Sunday
    • Mar. 24: Full Moon
    • Mar. 30: Easter
    • Mar. 31: Last Quarter


  • Fianna
    • The Celtic tribe known as the Fianna are highly renowned for their skills as bards and storytellers. Many Garou have also found out the hard way that they are skilled fighters as well as talespinners. The Fianna originated in Ireland and around the British Isles, and are credited with creating the Litany by which all Garou live. Given their romantic natures, the Fianna are often the most likely Garou to fall in love, a trait which has come back to haunt individual Fianna on occasion.
      • Tribal Totem: Stag
      • Signature Gifts: Balor's Gaze, Glib Tongue, Rilkean Heart
      • Gaming Tip: The Fianna are excellent for "Theme Decks" which utilize members of the same tribe. Combining their versatile gifts like Geas with their powerful Stag totem and mixing a few Hunting Parties and Attacking the Wyrms into the combat deck makes a pack that leaves enemies quaking in their boots.
  • Dates
    • Apr. 2: Happy Birthday, Charlemagne!
    • Apr. 4: St. Benedict the Moor's Day
    • Apr. 6: Daylight Savings Time - Spring Forward, Fruity.
    • Apr. 7: New Moon
    • Apr. 8: Klaatu's Debut Albu Released in UK, And Who Doesn't Love Klaatu?
    • Apr. 11: Good Friday
    • Apr. 14: First Quarter
    • Apr. 22: Earth Day; Day of Joining - Children of Gaia Rite; Full Moon
    • Apr. 25: Arbor Day. Plant a Tree.
    • Apr. 29: Last Quarter


  • Get of Fenris
    • Hailing from fierce Nordic ancestry, the Get are known for their savagery and strength. Utterly merciless, the Get embody total dedication to the destruction of their foes, and other Garou sigh in relief that the Wyrm is the Get's greatest enemy. They perceive themselves as warriors fighting an eternal battle; victory is all that matters and only the strong may achieve it. Needless to say, they are a fatalistic lot that often hold other, "weaker" tribes in contempt.
      • Tribal Totem: Fenris
      • Signature Gifts: Fenris' Bite, Might of Thor, Wearing the Bear Shirt
      • Gaming Tip: The Get specialize in fast and decisive combat. Utilizing Get gifts to their maximum with heavy-hitting combat actions is a sure-fire method of garnering quick victory points. Also, Get players may wish to stock up on cards that end combat, as for other players, there are few things more tempting than a wounded high-Renown Get.
  • Dates
    • May 1: May Day
    • May 4: Star of Eagles and Nioba Marry (1456)
    • May 6: New Moon
    • May 7: First Day of San Niccola
    • May 9: Ascension
    • May 11: Mother's Day
    • May 14: Happy Birthday, Bobby Darin!; First Quarter
    • May 17: Happy Birthday, Dennis Hopper!; Armed Forces Day
    • May 19: Happy Birthday, Malcolm X!
    • May 22: Full Moon
    • May 23: Captain Kidd Handed
    • May 26: Memorial Day - Glass Walker Rite
    • May 27: Happy Birthday, Harlan Ellison!
    • May 29: Last Quarter


  • Glass Walkers
    • The Glass Walkers have long occupied the cities of the humans. Other Garou accuse the Glass Walkers of abandoning Gaia and embracing the Weaver of even the Wyrm, as Glass Walkers sometimes keep the company of vampires. The Glass Walkers dispute this, arguing that they and they alone have adapted enough with the times to face the Wyrm with all of the resources that they may bring to bear through their numerous connections and allies. Undoubtedly the wealthiest tribe, the Glass Walkers are known for their affinity for technology and its accompanying spirits.
      • Tribal Totem: Cockroach
      • Signature Gifts: Alias, Tech Speak
      • Gaming Tip: Glass Walkers are excellent at "hoarding" techno-equipment. Using Lone Wolf Lupo, the Glass Walker Past Life makes it easy to get and keep equipment, while Jam Technology lets you strip others of theirs. The handy Ragabash Syntax also allows you to take from others with Sticky Paws what is to useful to you to destroy.
  • Dates
    • Jun. 1: Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe!
    • Jun. 4: Happy Birthday, Socrates!
    • Jun. 5: New Moon
    • Jun. 9: Happy Birthday, Cole Porter!
    • Jun. 11: Ferris Bueller is... Absent
    • Jun. 13: First Quarter
    • Jun. 14: Flag Day
    • Jun. 15: Father's Day; Naskit-Tin Rites Begin - Wendigo
    • Jun. 18: War of 1812 Begins
    • Jun. 20: Full Moon
    • Jun. 23: Midsummer's Eve
    • Jun. 27: Happy Birthday, Captain Kangaroo!; Last Quarter
    • Jun. 28: Rite of the Impergium - Red Talon Rite


  • Red Talons
    • Red Talons are composed entirely of lupus Garoi, and they hate humanity with every ounce of their being. The Talons want to return Gaia to the days of the Impergium, when the ranks of humans were culled at the whim of the Garou. Their utter hatred and burning obsession cause other tribes to wonder if the Wyrm has the Red Talons in its grasp. They make their homes in the wilderness, far from the cities of men, which they refer to as "scabs."
      • Tribal Totem: Griffin
      • Signature Gifts: Shield of Gaia, Trackless Waste
      • Gaming Tip: The Red Talons, composed solely of lupus Garou, have a very extensive gift base; given enough gnosis, they can use almost twice as many gifts as other Garou. Also, Old Storm Chaser has one of the best special abilities in the game, allowing you to cycle through your sept deck more quickly to get to the cards you need.
  • Dates
    • Jul. 1: Happy Birthday, Vicky Thomas!
    • Jul. 2: Happy Birthday, Franz Kafka!
    • Jul. 4: Independence Day; New Moon
    • Jul. 7: Happy Birthday, Tom Jones!
    • Jul. 10: Battle of Britain (1940)
    • Jul. 12: First Quarter
    • Jul. 13: Japanese Festival of Lanterns
    • Jul. 18: Catholic Popes Declared Infallible (1870)
    • Jul. 19: Full Moon
    • Jul. 21: Happy Birthday, Cat Stevens!
    • Jul. 22: Jeffrey Dahmer Arrested (1991)
    • Jul. 25: World's First Trademark Certified - The Bass Ale Red Triangle
    • Jul. 26: Last Quarter
    • Jul. 28: Chinese Festival of Hungary Ghosts


  • Shadow Lords
    • Descended from Eastern European nobility, Shadow Lords are the dark warriors of Gaia. They believe that as Garou are the pinnacle of the life forms on earth, the Shadow Lords are the pinnacle of the Garou. This belief naturally brings them into conflict with the Silver Fangs, but the firm Shadow Lord commitment to hierarchy reinforces their faith that they shall one day rule. The only measure of worth to the Shadow Lords is leadership, and thus they are one of the most formidable tribes in existence.
      • Tribal Totem: Grandfather Thunder
      • Signature Gifts: Icy Chill of Despair, Open Wounds
      • Gaming Tip: The Shadow Lords, in addition to their martial prowess, are a very powerful tribe politically, and are of great use in the Moot Phase. Ivan Korda can strip other characters of votes, and Roar of Storms may vote as any auspice; multiple Shadow Lord Philodoxes also make Quoting the Litany a great addition to a sept deck.
  • Dates
    • Aug. 2: Rite of Long Remembering - Silver Fang Rite
    • Aug. 3: New Moon
    • Aug. 5: Bombing of Hiroshima (1945)
    • Aug. 7: Happy Birthday, David Duchovny!
    • Aug. 11: First Quarter
    • Aug. 12: The Glorious Twelfth (Scotland)
    • Aug. 16: Happy Birthday, Madonna!
    • Aug. 18: Full Moon
    • Aug. 20: Happy Birthday, H.P. Lovecraft!
    • Aug. 22: Immaculate Heart of Mary Festival
    • Aug. 24: Last Quarter
    • Aug. 26: 19th Amendment ratified


  • Silent Striders
    • The Silent Striders originally hailed from the wastes of the African Sahara desert. Valuing wisdom and knowledge, these Garou spend their lives traveling from place to place in search of new learning. As they travel so extensively, the Striders are often employed as messengers and envoys. They are experts at extracting pertinent information from anything they are told. Their love of stories is second only to the Fianna's.
      • Tribal Totem: Owl
      • Signature Gifts: Gaia's Favored Messenger, Messenger's Fortitude
      • Gaming Tip: The Silent Strider caern, The Wheel of Ptah, is a necessity for any pack with a Silent Strider character. In addition to its ridiculously low gauntlet and immunity to Moon Bridge Attacks, it can be "borrowed" by other characters wishing to access the Umbra. This ability makes an excellent bargaining chip, and is a great bribe for voting assistance and having the borrower attack someone else!
  • Dates
    • Sep. 1: Labor Day - No More White Shoes; New Moon
    • Sep. 2: Great Fire of London (1666)
    • Sep. 4: National Macadamia Nut Day
    • Sep. 7: Happy Birthday, Buddy Holly!
    • Sep. 9: First Quarter
    • Sep. 12: Diocletian New Year
    • Sep. 16: Mayflower Disembarks for the New World (1620); Full Moon
    • Sep. 19: Steamboat Willie Premieres (1932)
    • Sep. 23: Happy Birthday, John Coltrane!; Last Quarter
    • Sep. 24: Norman Conquest (1066)
    • Sep. 26: Happy Birthday, Bryan Ferry!


  • Silver Fangs
    • The purely bred Silver Fangs are the kings of the Garou, and make extraordinary leaders. Originating in the Ural mountains thar separate Asia and Europe, the Fangs have long intermingled with the local aristocracy, expanding their own power base and influencing local policy. Other tribes sometimes believe the Silver Fangs to be a declining power, too inbred to be effective. The Silver Fangs are painfully allegorical to the Garou as a whole. Outwardly strong and vibrant, they wither from within due to generations of inbreeding and Harano.
      • Tribal Totem: Falcon
      • Signature Gifts: Master of the Pack, Renew the Cycle
      • Gaming Tip: The Silver Fangs are in extremely well-rounded tribe. They have good voting potential, a broad spectrum of auspices, high Rage and Gnosis scores, and no detrimental special abilities. In short, almost any pack would benefit from some Silver Fang presence!
  • Dates
    • Oct. 1: New Moon
    • Oct. 2: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year 5758)
    • Oct. 3: St. Dionysus Day
    • Oct. 5: Rite of the Opened Claw - Shadow Lord Rite
    • Oct. 9: First Quarter
    • Oct. 10: Happy Birthday, Ben Vereen!
    • Oct. 11: Yom Kippur
    • Oct. 13: Columbus Day
    • Oct. 15: Full Moon
    • Oct. 18: St. Luke's Day
    • Oct. 20: Happy Birthday, Bela Lugosi (undead, undead, undead)!
    • Oct. 23: Last Quarter
    • Oct. 24: Showdown at the OK Corral (1881)
    • Oct. 26: Reformation Sunday
    • Oct. 31: Halloween; Rite of the Three Wells - Get of Fenris Rite; New Moon


  • Stargazers
    • The Stargazers ae an introspective tribe, their philosophy having developed from Klaital Starcatcher in the days of the Impergium. Klaital feared that the Wyrm had taken hold of the hearts and souls of the Garou, and so developed his (or her... the legends are not consistent) quest for harmony from within. They are also a very scarce tribe, their ranks estimated to be only around 500 strong. In addition, the Stargazers have created the mystical Garou martial art known as Kailindo.
      • Tribal Totem: Chimera
      • Signature Gifts: Merciful Blow, Ultimate Argument of Logic
      • Gaming Tip: The Stargazers' greatest asset is their knowledge of Kailindo. Load up on these Combat Actions and send those packmates without Kailindo on Journeys to the East. Kailindo is great for making sure that combats proceed at the Stargazer's pace; she can end combat and dodge attacks, while still doing damage to her opponent.
  • Dates
    • Nov. 1: Happy Birthday, Jenny McCarthy! Hey, Baby.
    • Nov. 3: Happy Birthday, Adam Ant!
    • Nov. 7: Bolshevik Revolution Begins (1917); First Quarter
    • Nov. 10: Festival of St. Bebiana
    • Nov. 12: Happy Birthday, Bjork!


  • Uktena
    • The Native American Uktena are a dark and sullen tribe. Their knowledge of the spirits is legendary, though their mistrust of the other tribes includes them to remain silent with their lore. They accept the darkness within themselves, and other tribes wonder if this acceptance is indicative of a subtle turn to the Wyrm. For now, the Uktena maintain their siege mentality, surrounded by the Wyrmbringer European tribes that forced them from their lands and led to the destruction of their Croatan siblings.
      • Tribal Totem: Uktena
      • Signature Gifts: Shroud, Strange Rain
      • Gaming Tip: The spirit allies and spirit-related gifts in Rage are an Uktena's best friend. Lesser Banishment and Remove Gaia's Blessing keep the gifts of other packs from getting out of hand, while Command Spirit allows the pack to control valuable allies that other packs have brought into play, or powerful spirit enemies that would otherwise simply wander the Hunting Grounds.
  • Dates
    • Dec. 3: Federal District Court Throws Out Lawsuit Against "Satan and his Staff," Claiming the U.S. Has No Jurisdiction Over Satan.
    • Dec. 7: Happy Birthday, Tom Waits!; First Quarter
    • Dec. 12: Happy Birthday, Old Blue Eyes!
    • Dec. 13: Full Moon
    • Dec. 16: Boston Tea Party (1773)
    • Dec. 18: Happy Birthday, Steve Biko!
    • Dec. 21: Last Quarter
    • Dec. 24: Christmas Eve; Hanukkah Begins
    • Dec. 25: Christmas
    • Dec. 29: The Mysteries - Black Furies Rite; New Moon


  • Wendigo
    • The Wendigo are a proud but bitter tribe. Originating in North America, the Wendigo watched as the European settlement of the New World slowly but steadily crept in and stole their lands from them, claiming the Croatan in the process. Now the Wendigo are insular and xenophobic, desperately wishing for a return to the days before the Wyrmcomers plagued their lands. Few outsiders have ever seen a Wendigo moot, and no outsider has ever seen one with welcome.
      • Tribal Totem: Wendigo
      • Signature Gifts: Camouflage, Invoke Harano, Knife Wind
      • Gaming Tip: Knife Wind is perhaps one of the most versatile gifts in Rage, and only the Wendigo may use it. Custom-made for softening up enemies before engaging them, or for killing near-fatally wounded opponents before someone else gets a hold of them, knife Wind is an excellent equalizer for any pack with Wendigo.
  • Dates
    • Jan. 1: New Year's Day; Happy Birthday, White Wolf!
    • Jan. 5: First Quarter
    • Jan. 12: Full Moon
    • Jan. 13: Midvintersblot
    • Jan. 16: Ivan the Terrible Crowned (1547)
    • Jan. 20: Last Quarter
    • Jan. 24: Happy Birthday, Warren Zevon!
    • Jan. 25: Super Bowl Sunday - Bone Gnawer Rite
    • Jan. 27: Happy Birthday, Mozart!
    • Jan. 28: New Moon

Background Information and Trivia[]

  • Each month is mostly illustrated with a character card from Legacy of the Tribes. The exceptions are the Children of Gaia and Get of Fenris months (Questor Treetalker by Alan Pollack and Bearshirt by Brian Horton). Questor Treetalker is poorly upscaled and appears blurry compared to the other images. The fact that Questor is used hints at the fact that he won the poll on a returning Rage character coming back for Legacy, without giving away how he returned.
  • One werewolf-themed holiday not listed in the calendar is Lupercalia (Feb. 15th). However, Christmas is listed in the calendar.
  • The November section leaves out Thanksgiving and the Rite of the Wyrm-Eaten (Thanksgiving).
  • The Calander also doesn't date any Sky Hunt Rite (Lunar Eclipse: Apr. 4th, 1996 and/or Sep. 16th, 1997).
  • Also odd is the lack of a Mardi Gras date (Feb. 11), knowing the rougarou connection and considering how the old White Wolf company was located in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • For some reason the calendar lists a Mage: The Ascension date (May 4th, 1456), when Star of Eagles and Nioba married. Probably a play on Ascension Day being on May 9th.
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