Below are the Gifts available to the Ragabash Auspice and the Gurahl's Arcas Auspice.
(For Black Spiral Dancer Ragabash Gifts, see Black Spiral Dancer Gifts.)
List of Gifts[]
First Edition and GURPS Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blur of the Milky Eye: By spending a Willpower point and making a Manipulation + Stealth roll against a difficulty of 8, the Garou increases the difficulty for all Perception rolls made to detect him by the number of successes rolled.[1]
- Open Seal: This gift can open nearly any sort of closed or locked device. It requires a Gnosis roll against a difficulty of the Gauntlet rating.[2]
- Scent of Running Water: By spending a Gnosis point, the Garou completely masks her scent, thus making herself virtually impossible to track via Primal-Urge (two difficulty level higher).[3]
Level 2[]
- Alter Scent: The Garou can change one scent into another (such as replace his scent with that of a badger) or copy another's scent. Roll Wits + Primal-Urge, difficulty six and spend a Gnosis point. The number of successes determines how baffled a tracker will be. The tracker must roll more successes to realize he has been fooled.[4]
- Blissful Ignorance: The Garou can remain completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. This requires a Dexterity + Stealth roll against a difficulty of 7, with each success subtracting one success from the Perception + Alertness roll of those actively looking for the character. If no one is doing so, then one success indicates complete concealment.[5]
- Sense of the Prey: The character, if he knows anything about his prey, can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and is used to track spirits through the spirit world as well as beings on Earth. If the target is actively hiding, use of this Gift requires a Perception + Enigmas roll against a difficulty of the target's Wits + Stealth.[6]
- Taking the Forgotten: Not only is the Ragabash an accomplished thief, but those she steals from often never realize they have been robbed. If the character succeeds in stealing something, her victim will forger he ever possessed the stolen item if the Garou makes three successes on a Wits + Stealth roll against the victim's Intelligence + Streetwise.[7]
Level 3[]
- Fly Feet: This allows a Garou to climb vertical surfaces as if she were an insect. Roll Dexterity + Athletics. The difficulty depends on the surface. Wood and rough stone would be five, glass and smooth marble would be nine. Upside down movement adds plus one or two to the difficulty. The ability lasts for one scene. Movement rate is halved unless five or more successes are rolled.[8]
- Gremlins: The Garou can cause a technological device to malfunction simply by touching it. The more successes she obtains on a Manipulation + Intimidation roll (difficulty determined by the complexity of the item), the more it is damaged. It takes five successes to completely disable the device. This gift is actually an intimidation of the spirit which inhabits the device and causes it to function, and well-performed intimidation might certainly warrant one to three additional dice at the discretion of the Storyteller.
Difficulty: 4, Device: Computer; Difficulty: 6, Device: Phone; Difficulty: 8, Device: Entire Automobile; Difficulty: 10, Device: Knife[9] - Open Moon Bridge: The Garou has the ability to open a Moon Bridge, with or without the permission of the totem of that caern.[10]
- Silence: With an expenditure of two Gnosis points, the Garou can completely silence an area so that no sound can be heard whatsoever. Roll Manipulation + Stealth, difficulty eight, for the area of affect: five yards radius per success. Any Gifts which require the use of sound (Clap of Thunder) will cause the two Gift users to make a resisted Gnosis roll, difficulty six. The winner's Gift takes precedence over the loser's. Thus, a Clap of Thunder can still ring out in the empty silence.[11]
- Tail of the Monkey: see the Lupus Gift.[12]
Level 4[]
- Fool's Luck: The Gift allows the Garou to negate botches. For each scene, the Garou spends one Gnosis point and makes a Gnosis roll (difficulty nine); each success allows the character to negate one botch. The character can choose when to use this throughout the scene. Fool's Luck only works in situations involving trickery, coercion, stealth, etc. It does not apply to combat, tracking, or any other active skill.[13]
- Luna's Blessing: When the moon is visible in the night sky, silver refuses to cause the Garou aggravated wounds. Indeed, if the moon is reaching full, it is likely silver weapons will turn on those who would use them on the character, for those with Luna's Blessing have a special affinity with elementals of silver, and have limited command over them. For each strike the Garou, the wielder of the weapon must roll three extra dice on the attack, but these dice are only read to check for botches.[14]
- The Crawling Hand: The Garou can detach his hand, allowing it to crawl off and perform tasks (such as untying his bonds). Roll Dexterity + Primal-Urge (difficulty 9). The Garou must concentrate for this hand to act, and must allocate at least one die from the character's Dice Pool to the hand per turn. To perform fine manual tasks, the Garou must lend his Dexterity + Athletics Dice Pool to the hand, in any amount he chooses. The character must retrieve his hand before the end of the scene or it cannot be reconnected: he must regenerate another (as if he lost four aggravated Health Levels, but they "heal" at the rate of one per week). The range the hand may travel from the body is equal to the Garou's Wits x3 in yards.[15]
- Whelp Body: Many consider the use of this power on a foe as a declaration of unending war. The Garou spends a Gnosis point. The Garou's difficulty is the opponent's Willpower, while her victim's difficulty is the Ragabash's Gnosis. Every success the Garou gains lets the character remove one point from any of the victim's Physical Attributes.[16]
Level 5[]
- Thieving Talons of the Magpie: The Garou can steal the gifts of others and use them herself. At least three successes are needed on a Wits + Stealth roll against a difficulty of the target's Willpower. If successful, the Garou can use the specified gift, Vampiric Discipline, or power for every succeeding turn she is willing to spend a Gnosis point.[17]
- Violation: Those few Garou privy to the secret of Violation know well the hate and revulsion of others. This power requires the Garou to make physical contact with the target, but once that has happened, the victim is quickly overwhelmed by feelings of defilement. For the next turn, and for a number of turns equal to the successes the Ragabash achieved on a Manipulation + Primal-Urge against the target's Willpower, the victim cannot spend Rage or Willpower for any reason. Additionally, all Willpower rolls have a difficulty two higher than normal, while Rage rolls have a difficulty two lower (the victim may not be able to direct his anger, but he definitely feels it),[18]
Second Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blur of the Milky Eye: The Garou's form becomes a shimmering blur, allowing him to pass unnoticed among others. Once the Garou has been seen, however, this Gift is negated until the viewer has again been distracted. This Gift is taught by a Chameleon-spirit.[19]
- Open Seal: With this Gift the Garou can open nearly any sort of closed or locked device. This Gift is taught by a Raccoon-spirit.[20]
- Scent of Running Water: The Garou can completely mask her scent, making herself virtually impossible to track. This Gift is taught by a Fox-spirit.[21]
Level 2[]
- Alter Scent: The Garou can change his scent trail to evade a hunter or leave a false trail. The Garou can reproduce any scent he has encountered from deer to diesel tricks. A Skunk-spirit teaches this Gift.[22]
- Blissful Ignorance: The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. This Gift is taught by a Chameleon-spirit.[23]
- Obscure the Truth: Not many Garou can look a Philodox in the eye and get away with bald-faced lies. The Ragabash with this Gift has an edge over all his kin. She can calmly explain that the sky is green or gleefully regale her comrades with the exploits of a lone, heroic Ragabash and have no fear of being called on her prank.
The ever-deceptive Fox-spirit might teach this Gift to a Garou. Then again, he might just say he's teaching you the Gift.[24] - Sense of the Prey: The character, if he knows anything about his prey, can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and is used to track spirits through the Umbra as well as to find beings on Earth. This Gift is taught by a Wolf- or Dog-spirit.[25]
- Taking the Forgotten: Not only is the Ragabash an accomplished thief, but those from whom she steals often never realize they have been robbed. Of the character succeeds in stealing something, her victim will forget he ever possessed the stolen item. This Gift is taught by a Mouse-spirit.[26]
Level 3[]
- Fly Feet: Like an insect, the Garou can now cling to vertical surfaces. She can walk along walls or hang from a ceiling. The adhesive grip of the Garou can even assist her when catching falling objects or seizing handholds when she is falling! A Fly-spirit, naturally, teaches this Gift.[27]
- Gremlins: The Garou can cause a technological device to malfunction merely by touching it. Use of this Gift actually intimidates the spirit that inhabits the device and causes it to function. If the Garou can sufficiently frighten the spirit, it will flee the device, causing it to malfunction permanently. This Gift is taught by a Gremlin, a type of Wyld spirit that enjoys breaking things.[28]
- Open Moon Bridge: The Garou has the ability to open a Moon Bridge, with or without the permission of the totem of that caern. This Gift is taught by a Lune.[29]
Level 4[]
- Luna's Blessing: When the moon is visible in the night sky, silver refuses to cause the Garou aggravated wounds. Indeed, if the moon waxes full, silver weapons may well turn on those who would wield them against the character. This Gift is taught by a Lune.[30]
- Whelp Body: With this Gift a Garou may deliver a devastating curse upon a foe's body, causing it to weaken or palsy. Many consider the use of this power on a foe to be a declaration of unending war. This Gift is taught by a Pain-spirit or a spirit of Disease.[31]
Level 5[]
- Thieving Talons of the Magpie: The Garou can steal the powers of others and use them herself. These powers can be Garou Gifts, spirit Charms, vampiric Disciplines, mage Spheres, etc. This Gift is taught by, of course, a Magpie-spirit.[32]
- Violation: Those few Garou privy to the secret of Violation well know the hate and revulsion of others. This power requires the Garou to make physical contact with the target, but once that has happened, the victim is quickly overwhelmed by feelings of defilement. To learn this Gift, the Garou must confront a malevolent spirit (not necessarily a Bane) in spirit combat; if he wins, he may wrest the knowledge of this Gift from it.[33]
Level 6[]
- Firebringer: This amazing Gift allows a Ragabash - the trickster of Garou society - to steal a power or ability from another being and turn it into a Garou Gift, teachable to others.[34]
- Fool's Luck: The Garou with this Gift has luck on her side. When a Gnosis is spent, she may retest (at no cost) any test she loses as long as it involves trickery, coercion or stealth. A challenge may be retested only once in this fashion. If the Garou loses in this second test, the challenge may not be retested in any other manner. This Gift lasts for one scene.
Werewolf: The Wild West and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Fool's Gold: The Garou makes relatively worthless objects (beads, cheap metal, cod liver oil) or items of inferior craftmanship (blankets, rifles) appear to be highly valuable and desirable. This doesn't cause a blind lust in others to possess the objects, but does make them extremely predisposed toward whatever deal is offered in trade. This is taught by a Magpie-spirit.[35]
- Scent of Running Water: The Garou can completely mask her scent, making herself virtually impossible to track. This Gift is taught by a Fox-spirit.[36]
- Spider's Song: The Ragabash can put her ear to a telegraph pole or wire and eavesdrop on any messages sent over the line. The Garou need not know Morse Code to understand the message; it is whispered to the werewolf by a Spider-spirit that tends the lines. This Gift is taught by a Spider-spirit.[37]
- Trailblazer: With this Gift, the Garou can wend his way through thick underbrush as if walking on the open plains. The Ragabash also finds the fastest trails and shortest routes from one location to another. When used in a town or city, the Garou can still find the shortcuts through alleys and dart through crowded streets with ease. A Crow-spirit teaches this Gift.[38]
- Walk under the New Moon: The Garou seems to disappear from sight, becoming little more than a shadow. This Gift allows him to pass virtually unseen. However, once the werewolf has been spotted, this Gift is negated unless the viewer is again distracted. This Gift is taught by a Moon-spirit.[39]
Level 2[]
- Beyond Fear: Eschewed by urbane Ragabash. this "dark trick" shows the target of the Gift a haunting vision of her own death. The vision comes aa a dream or trance-like revelation. This Gift is taught by a Sickness-spirits and Wolf-spirits.[40]
- Carried on the Wind: This Gift garbles communication between anyone within the Ragabash's vicinity, whether by the sound of the wind, ringing echoes or otherwise overwhelming background noises. Messages carried by wolf or Garou howls, even message sent on telegraph lines are made incomprehensible. This Gift is taught by a Wind-spirit.[41]
- Hide in Plain Sight: The werewolf becomes completely invisible to all senses and spirits when he stands still. This Gift is taught by a Lizard- or Snake-spirit.[42]
- Man With No Name: The Garou can interact with people and even grow close to them, but they forget who he is or what he looks like shortly after he moves on. Some might forget interacting with the character altogether. Ironically, werewolves who habitually us this Gift often develop a collective mystique about themselves. This Gift is taught by a Wind-spirit.[43]
Level 3[]
- Bald-Faced Lie: Those within earshot accept the Ragabash's most blatant lies as truth, at least for a little while. This power can also be used to cheat at a game before someone's very eyes and get away with it. This Gift is taught by a Fox-spirit.[44]
- Empty Hand: The Garou's hand may seem to grasp the air, while in reality it may hold a pistol or even a stick of dynamite. This Gift obscures one possession for the Garou, making it completely undetectable to others. A Raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.[45]
- Open Moon Bridge: The Garou has the ability to open a Moon Bridge, with or without the permissions of the caern's spirit. This Gift is taught by a Lune.[46]
Level 4[]
- Luna's Blessing: When the moon is visible in the night sky, silver does not cause the werewolf aggravated damage. Indeed, silver weapons may cause more harm to their wielders than to the Garou they're used on. This Gift is taught by a Lune.[47]
- Mark of Shame: The Ragabash may invoke a terrible curse upon an opponent's body, causing it to weaken or wither, often in retribution for some act, as a reminder to be more alert to deception or as a frustrating reminder of embarrassment inflicted upon the target. This Gift is taught by a Pain-spirit or a spirit of Disease.[48]
Level 5[]
- Ghost Town: The werewolf can make a whole town or other place appear to be abandoned or seem to disappear altogether. This Gift is taught by a Mirage-spirit.[49]
- Steal Spirit: The Ragabash can steal an opponent's strength of spirit or her Rage. With her ill-gotten gains, she can pummel her drained opponent.[50]
- Thieving Talons: Often bitterly called "Broken Treaty" by the Pure Ones, this Gift lets the Ragabash steal what could never have been hers - the powers of others - and use them herself. These powers can be Garou Gifts, spirit Charms, vampiric Disciplines or even mage Spheres. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Vengeance or a Trickster-spirit.[51]
Werewolf: The Dark Ages and Dark Ages: Werewolf[]
Level 1[]
- Blur of the Milky Eye: The Garou's form becomes blurred and indistinct, as if viewed through the tired vision of a crone, allowing him to pass unnoticed among others. This protection is not infallible, and the protection of the Gift is negated once the Garou has been seen until the viewers are once again distracted. An ermine-spirit teaches this Gift.[52]
- Scent of Running Water: The Garou can mask her scent completely, making her very difficult to track. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.[53]
- Snow Running: The deep snows of winter in much of Europe bring privation at best and starvation at worst to the unprepared or snowbound. A Garou using this Gift can travel or hunt with ease by walking atop the snow. An arctic hare-spirit teaches this Gift.[54]
Level 2[]
- Blissful Ignorance: When using this Gift, the Garou becomes invisible to all senses and even to spirits by keeping completely still. This Gift is taught by a moth-spirit.[55]
- Sense of the Prey: If the Garou knows anything about her intended prey, even a single part of its name or a crude description, she can unerringly track it as quickly as she can travel. This sense of direction operates anywhere, so it is just as useful for tracking spirits in the Umbra as it is for finding a street urchin in a crowded city or a Garou who crosses between the worlds at will. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.[56]
Level 3[]
- Open Moon Bridge: The Garou has the ability to open a moon bridge with or without the permission of the totem of the caern. Only a Lune will teach this Gift.[57]
- Reynard's Lie: A Garou who has learned this Gift can tell blatant, nonsensical lies, and listeners will believe him - for a while, at least. Even with contrary evidence in hand, a reeve will allow the guilty party to escape, only to rue his stupidity later. Naturally, this Gift is taught by a fox-spirit.[58]
Level 4[]
- Leper's Curse: The Garou can invoke a debilitating curse on her enemy, afflicting her foe with bodily weakness and diseased, insensate patches of skin and pelt. The use of this Gift on another werewolf is sure to create or escalate a feud that only ends with the death of one party. A spirit of pain or disease teaches this Gift.[59]
- Luna's Blessing: This Gift is a mighty token of Luna's favor. When invoked, the light of the moon robs silver of its power to harm the Garou. The protection is so complete that the attacker's blows might even be turned back against him. A Lune teaches this Gift.[60]
Level 5[]
- Chimerical Form: The great tricksters of legends are all masters of changing shape, and the Ragabash who has mastered this Gift is no exception. Using it, he can change his form into that of any animal between the sizes of a tiny finch and a massive walrus. The Garou gains all of the natural abilities of the animal: winged flight, underwater breathing with gills, venom, exceptional senses and so on. He may not take the form of a Wyrm-beast, but it is possible (though difficult) to attain the form of a mythic creature like a unicorn or griffin, provided the beast remains within the same size limitations as those for mundane animals. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling, a dream-spirit associated with change.[61]
- Thieving Talons of the Magpie: The Garou who learns this Gift becomes as gleeful a thief as the magpie, capable of stealing the magical abilities of others and using them herself. Any magical power can be stolen: a Gift used by another Garou, spirit Charms, a vampire's Disciplines, even a mage's spells. (Whether a werewolf can steal an inquisitor's God-given blessings is up to individual Storytellers.) A magpie-spirit teaches this Gift, of course.[62]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Alter Scent: While Blur of the Milky Eye works wonders to evade sight-obsessed humans, other animals rely on other senses such as smell. This Gift allows the Ragabash to trick even them by changing his scent to anything he may have ever smelled. A skunk-spirit teaches the Gift.[63]
- Blur of the Milky Eye: The Garou's form becomes a shimmering blur, allowing him to pass unnoticed among others. Once the Garou has been seen, however, this Gift is negated until the viewer has again been distracted. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.[64]
- Hush: Though Ragabash are teachers, one thing they can't always teach is when to keep one's mouth shut. Maybe a brash Ahroun is about to say something unfortunate to a bigger Ahroun, or perhaps a talkative cub is about to reveal too much about what she knows. In such situations, this Gift acts as a temporary stopgap; it makes the target fumble for words, lose his train of thought or become monetarily distracted. Besides keeping friends from saying stupid things, the Gift can also be used against insulting rivals or the fomori calling in reinforcements. Because of the bond between packmates, it is easier to use this Gift within the pack - after all, it's for the greater good, right? A mockingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.[65]
- Open Seal: With this Gift, the Garou can open nearly any sort of closed or locked physical device. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.[66]
- Scent of Running Water: The Garou can mask her scent completely, making herself virtually impossible to track. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.[67]
Level 2[]
- Blissful Ignorance: The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.[68]
- Emergency Exit: Sometimes things go sour, and the most important thing a pack can know is the way to the nearest exist. This Gift allows a Ragabash to smell out the nearest exit from a realm or enclosed space; obviously, it's at its greatest use in hostile and unfamiliar Umbral territory. Rat-spirit teach this Gift.[69]
- Sense of the Prey: If he knows anything about his prey, the character can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and it is useful for tracking spirits through the Umbra as well as finding beings on Earth. A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift.[70]
- Slip of the Tongue: Sensing the truth is the purview of the Half Moon, but the trickster is adept at obtaining admissions of guilt, however accidental. By engaging in a conversation (heated or otherwise), the user of this Gift can make the target accidentally remark on what she wished to hide ("of course I had everything to do with his death... I mean, nothing to do with it!" or "The necklace isn't here, search all you like, bit don't bother with the study, that's so obvious!") The slip may only arouse already suspicious minds, but it may fluster the target enough to cause some more tangible admission of guilt, like a confession or an attack. This Gift is taught by a Gaffling of Falcon or by any truth spirit.[71]
- Taking the Forgotten: The Ragabash with this Gift can steal something from a target, and his victim will forget that she ever possessed the stolen item. A mouse-spirit teaches this Gift.[72]
- Trickster Beacon: Known as the "Kick Me Gift" by particularly irreverent New Moons, this places a spiritual beacon on the unwitting target, attracting the local troublemaking spirits. While potentially lethal pranks are off limits, anything else is fair game: items are moved or lost temporarily, the target is surrounded by jeering spirits in the Umbra or momentarily loses his way in familiar territory. The beacon cannot be removed or hidden (and the target can never see it although all spirits and perceptive Garou can), but an eloquent and lucky victim may be able to "buy off" the spirits with the appropriate chiminage. This Gift is taught by any trickster spirit.[73]
Level 3[]
- Gremlins: The Ragabash can cause a technological device to malfunction merely by touching it. This Gift actually disrupts the spirit energy within the device that aids its function. If the Garou can frighten the spirit sufficiently, it will flee the device, causing it to malfunction permanently. A Gremlin teaches this Gift.[74]
- Impunity: One of the Ragabash's jobs is to voice uncomfortable truths. Unfortunately, not all tolerate that role, and those who most need to hear the truth are often least willing to listen. No Moons must be quick on their feet to avoid a furious elder who's been called on the carpet by a subordinate. With this Gift, the Garou may tell a respected leader he screwed up without becoming the dead messenger. The Gift is taught by a cat-spirit.[75]
- Open Moon Bridge: The Garou has the ability to open a moon bridge, with or without the permission of the totem of that caern. A Lune teaches this Gift.[76]
- Riddle: Taking their cue from numerous trickster legends, some Ragabash love to confuse their targets with unusual quizzes and mysterious puzzles. Those with this Gift add a little spiritual punch into the mix, slowly driving their targets mad with riddles. A spirit servant of Sphinx teaches this Gift.[77]
- The Usual Suspects: The wary Ragabash often wants to keep tabs on others, whether to know the location of a wandering cub or trail a suspicious government agent. The Usual Suspects allows the user to know the general whereabouts of several subjects at any time. Owl-spirits or urban spirits of Wisdom teach this Gift.[78]
Level 4[]
- Luna's Blessing: When the moon is visible in the night sky, silver refuses to cause the Garou aggravated wounds. Indeed, if the moon waxes full, silver weapons may well turn on those who would wield them against the character. A Lune teaches this Gift.[79]
- Madness Season: A fine line often exits between madcap humor and the precipice of insanity. The New Moon's understanding of this boundary enables her to send enemies teetering off the brink into lunacy. While this Gift does no lasting harm to the victim, it can make him an object of ridicule and scorn... and grant a measure of respect to the Ragabash who uses it. Any spirit of Luna can teach this Gift.[80]
- Whelp Body: With this Gift a Garou may deliver a devastating curse upon a foe's body, causing it to weaken or palsy. Many consider the use of this power on a foe to be a declaration of unending war. Either a pain-spirit or a spirit of disease teaches this Gift.[81]
Level 5[]
- Blank: "Consider it a bio-electrical blackout." That's how Pat O'Reidy described the Gift, and it remains the best description there is for it. For a short period, everyone in the room simply goes blank. They still stand upright (unless they were lying down to begin with) but eyes close, senses go dead, and nobody moves. Meanwhile, the Ragabash can move about without being seen, or can take actions they otherwise couldn't. Any actual attempt to harm someone will break the communal trance, so slitting their throat while they remain unconscious won't work. But you could certainly pick someone up, put him in a truck of a car, and take him elsewhere. A spirit of electricity or electric eel-spirit teaches this Gift.[82]
- Thieving Talons of the Magpie: The Garou can steal the powers of others and use them herself. These powers can be Garou Gifts, spirit Charms, vampiric Disciplines, True Magic or any other such power. Naturally, a magpie-spirit teaches this Gift.[83]
- Thousand Forms: Most trickster archetypes are shapeshifters, and the Ragabash is no different. The Garou with this Gift may change herself into any animal between the sizes of a small bird and a bison. The Garou gains all the special powers (flight, gills, poison, sensory abilities, etc.) of the animal she mimics. She may not take the form of Wyrm-beasts (not that she would wish to!), but she may take the form of mythical beasts with some extra effort.[84]
- Turn the Moon: This Gift essentially makes a werewolf "walk a mile in someone else's shoes." For a short period of time, the New Moon can change the auspice of another werewolf to whatever she deems appropriate. Any spirit of Luna can teach this Gift.[85]
- Weakest Link: With this Gift, a New Moon can delve into the hearts and minds of a given pack. He can sense the fears and concerns of either friends or enemies to best help or harm them. Armed with this knowledge, the Ragabash can guide his own pack in attacking foes or use his own peculiar brand of wisdom to facilitate peace and healing. Any Weaver spirit can teach this Gift.[86]
Level 6[]
- Firebringer: This powerful Gift allows a Ragabash to pull the ultimate stunt, stealing a supernatural power and turning it into a Gift. Moreover, the Gift can be taught to others, as if the New Moon was a spirit teacher. The difficult part is that the Ragabash has to endure having the power used on her first, but after that, she makes it her own to teach, but alas, not to use herself. A powerful spirit, such as the avatar of a trickster Incarna, teaches this Gift.[87]
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blur of the Milky Eye: The werewolf's form becomes a shimmering, indistinct blur, as though seen through heavy cataracts - even in the midday sun. The Ragabash is not truly invisible, however, and if spotted, this Gift's protection fails until the observer is distracted. A chameleon- or ermine-spirit teaches this Gift.[88]
- Disguise Fetish: Werewolves covet one another's treasures as much as anyone else. The clever Ragabash can hide the true nature of his fetishes to deflect curious eyes. A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.[89]
- Infectious Laughter: Laughter is the tool with which Gaia's tricksters promote enlightenment and the knife that slashes through the veil of Rage. When the Ragabash laughs, those around her are compelled to follow along, forgetting their grievances. A coyote- or hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.[90]
- Liar's Face: The Ragabash wraps herself in such a deceitful attitude that nothing she says can be trusted - not even the clear and unvarnished truth. The werewolf may make a single truthful statement, and no human who hears it will believe her. A platypus-spirit teaches this Gift.[91]
- Open Seal: The werewolf can open nearly any sort of closed or locked physical device. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.[92]
- Scent of Running Water: The werewolf can mask her scent completely, making herself virtually impossible to track. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.[93]
- Wild West: Spider's Song: This Gift is new in the time of the Savage Frontier. Its form in this era is a simpler and easier trick to learn, being limited to telegraph wires or poles (which are treated as land lines). The Ragabash doesn't need to know Morse code to understand a transmitted message.[94]
Level 2[]
- Blissful Ignorance: The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.[95]
- Wild West: Man With No Name: This roamer's Gift lets the Ragabash move through town without leaving a mark on the townsfolk's memories. People forget her name and appearance after she moves on. She becomes a figure of rumor and hearsay, which may even make her seem larger than life. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.[96]
- Petal Float: The Ragabash becomes light as a flower petal when falling long distances, spinning, and drifting in the breeze. A Glade Child or flower-spirit teaches this Gift.[97]
- Play Dead: The Garou are loath to let a foe claim victory, but in these fallen times, living to fight another day can trump the satisfaction of refusing to surrender. The Ragabash can "play possum" and appear dead to all witnesses. Unsurprisingly, an opossum-spirit teaches this Gift.[98]
- Pulse of the Prey: If the werewolf knows anything about her prey - even a nickname, initials, or crude description - she can track it as fast as she can travel. This unerring sense of direction works anywhere, and is as useful for tracking spirits through the Deep Umbra as Pentex executives through Baltimore. A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift.[99]
- Spider's Song: The Ragabash can steal messages from the Weaver's web, plucking them from the air or eavesdropping as they race through telephone lines. The Ragabash must be aware that a conversation is happening to listen in on it ((though she doesn't have to know who's on the other end of the line). For conversations across land lines, the Ragabash must place her ear against a telephone pole or cord; to listen in on cell phone discussions (or even to intercept text messages) she need only be able to see one of the phones being used. Spider- and raven-spirits teach this Gift.[100]
- Taking the Forgotten: A Ragabash with this Gift can steal something from a target and make his victim forget that she ever possessed the stolen item. A mouse-spirit teaches this Gift.[101]
Level 3[]
- Gremlins: The Ragabash can cause a technological device to malfunction merely by touching it. This Gift actually causes the spirit energy within the device to work counter to its function. If the Garou can frighten the spirit sufficiently, it will flee the device, causing it to malfunction permanently. A Gremlin teaches this Gift.[102]
- Liar's Craft: The Ragabash can tell the most outrageous of lies and have them accepted as truth - for a while, at least. This Gift is taught by a fox-spirit.[103]
- Monkey Tail: As the lupus Gift.[104]
- Open Moon Bridge: The werewolf has the ability to open a moon bridge, with or without the permission of the totem of that caern. A Lune teaches this Gift.[105]
- Pathfinder: The werewolf can strike implausible trails through pristine wilderness and the urban jungle alike, locating the fastest and shortest routes from one place to another. A crow-spirit teaches this Gift.[106]
- Terrain Shift: Nature accepts the Ragabash as an ally, and views his pursuers as enemies. Earth and stone move aside to create tunnels or footholds to climb, foliage gathers behind him impassably, and rivers create dry spots for him to cross. A Glade Child or earth elemental teaches this Gift.[107]
Level 4[]
- Luna's Blessing: When Luna stands visible in the night sky, silver ceases to act as a bane to the Garou. Indeed, when the moon waxes full, silver may well turn on those who would wield it against Gaia's children. A Lune teaches this Gift.[108]
- Misdirection: Like a stage magician, the Ragabash combines a steady stream of words with expert sleight of hand to capture his target's attention fully. He can perform the most egregious acts of larceny or violence right under the nose of the unwitting witness. An avatar of Coyote teaches this Gift.[109]
- Umbral Dodge: The Ragabash finds that the best way to deal with an enemy is to send him far away - perhaps to a place where he'll learn the folly of his ways. She may tear open a hole in the Gauntlet while dodging an enemy's attack, sending them to the land of spirits. A trapdoor spider-spirit teaches this Gift.[110]
- Whelp Body: The Garou delivers a devastating curse upon a foe's body, causing it to weaken or palsy. Many consider the use of this Gift upon a foe to constitute a declaration of eternal enmity. Pain- and disease-spirits teach this Gift.[111]
Level 5[]
- Wild West: Ghost Town: The Ragabash can take advantage of the lonely spaces between towns. This Gift lets him cause an entire settlement, landmark or the like appear to be abandoned or even seem to disappear altogether. This Gift is taught by a Mirage-spirit.[112]
- Thieving Talons of the Magpie: The Ragabash can steal the powers of others and use them herself. These powers can be Gifts (either Garou or those of other Fera), spirit Charms, vampiric Disciplines, Sphere magic or any other such power (the Edges of the Imbued may be exempt, at the Storyteller's discretion). Naturally, a magpie-spirit teaches this Gift.[113]
- Thousand Forms: The werewolf with this Gift may change herself into any animal between the sizes of a small bird and a bison. The Garou gains all the special capabilities (flight, gills, poison, sensory abilities, etc.) of the animal she mimics. She may not take the form of Wyrm-beasts (not that she would wish to!), but with some extra effort she may take the form of mystical beasts (such as a griffon or unicorn), provided the beast remains within the usual size limitations of the Gift. Wyld-spirits teach this Gift.[114]
Level 6[]
- Firebringer: The Ragabash performs the ultimate trick, stealing a supernatural power and turning it into a Gift, which may in turn be bestowed upon others as though the New Moon were a spirit teacher. Alas, the Ragabash must first survive having the power used upon him. Coyote or another trickster Incarna teaches this Gift.[115]
5th Edition Gifts[]
In 5th edition, Gift requirements are based on the Garou's total Renown, rather than rank:
Total Renown 2[]
- Blissful Ignorance: Become completely invisible while standing still. Taught by a chameleon-spirit.[116]
- Crow's Laughter: Laugh with such derision that the subject of mockery risks losing all composure. Taught by a crow-spirit.[117]
- Gremlins: Cause a mechanical device to become inoperable, sometimes permanently. Taught by a Wyld havoc-spirit.[118]
- Spider's Song: Eavesdrop on long-distance verbal communication. Taught by a spider-spirit.[119]
Total Renown 5[]
- Blur of the Milky Eye: Become blurry and hard to see and target. Taught by a chameleon-spirit.[120]
- Open Seal: Unlock or unbar a door or seal. Taught by a raccoon-spirit.[121]
- Pulse of the Prey: Mystically track a known target. Taught by a wolf-spirit.[122]
- Scent Of Running Water: Become permanently impossible to track by mundane means. Taught by a fox-spirit.[123]
Total Renown 8[]
- Luna's Blessing: Howl to Luna to gain a temporary immunity to silver. Taught by a Lune.[124]
- The Thousand Forms: Shapeshift into any mundane animal. Taught by a Wyld-spirit.[125]
- Thieving Talons of the Magpie: Temporarily steal another's supernatural power, even those of non-Garou. Taught by a magpie-spirit.[126]
- Whelp Body: Shrivel and weaken a target, sometimes permanently. Taught by a disease-spirit.[127]
Arcas Gifts[]
The stage of a Gurahl's life that corresponds with the New Moon.
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Open Seal: As the Garou Ragabash Gift.[128]
- Walk Like a Man: This Gift enables a Gurahl in Ursine, Bjornen or Crinos form to alter her footprints (already humanlike) to resemble exactly a human step. With this ability, a Gurahl may create a false trail to confuse and confound pursuers. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.[129]
Level 2[]
- Cajole: A Gurahl may acquire some item or piece of information simply by coaxing the targeted individual. Expressions of wide-eyed innocence usually accompany the activation of this Gift. Objectives of this Gift can include anything from food and clothing to means of transportation, secret information or promises of sanctuary. A Gaffling of Ursa Minor teaches this Gift.[130]
- Sense of the Prey: As the Garou Ragabash Gift.[131]
Level 3[]
- Safe Passage: This Gift allows a Gurahl (and those with him) to move through the land without leaving any discernible traces of his passing. He does not leave footprints or mark the landscape in any fashion, nor do those who travel with him. A Bear-sprit teaches this Gift.[132]
- Trackless Waste: As the Red Talon Gift.[133]
Level 4[]
- Favor of Ursa Minor: As the Garou Ragabash Gift: Luna's Blessing.[134]
- Rejuvenate: As Gurahl (or any creature, for that matter) age, they tend to forget the playfulness of their youth. This Gift combats the burdens of age, bodily decrepitude, mental fatigue or world-weariness by imbuing its recipient with a renewed zest for life. Sometimes, this refreshing of the spirit manifests physically, by making the target feel and seem younger than her actual years. Although this Gift does not literally make the recipient younger, it does promote a desire to re-live the joys of childhood, and it often leads to a change in lifestyle that prolongs the illusion of youth and freshness. A Gaffling of Ursa Minor teaches this Gift.[135]
Level 5[]
- Humiliate: By delivering a verbal assault, the Gurahl can psychologically devastate a group of opponents. In most cases, the loss of self-esteem engendered by this Gift causes the victims to back down from a fight or flee the vicinity. Even if the opponents manage to stand their ground and fight, their attacks suffer from the belief that they will fail. A Bear-spirit teaches this Gift.[136]
- Natural State: With this Gift, a Gurahl can cause a patch of ground to revert to its "natural" state of wildness. Cultivated fields reject their carefully planted crips and erupt in tall grasses and wildflowers; cabins (and their furnishings) lapse into ruin; clear-cut land becomes filled with saplings. While most Gurahl use this Gift to heal land that has suffered the ravages of over-civilization or exploitation, a few werebears delight in the sheer chaos caused by "trashing" a poacher's camp or an executive's cabin in the country. An Earth-spirit teaches this Gift.[137]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Open Seal: As the Garou Ragabash Gift.[138]
- Walk Like a Man: A Gurahl in Ursine, Bjornen or Crinos form may use this Gift to leave human footprints instead of bear prints.[139]
Level 2[]
- Cajole: The Gurahl uses this Gift to coax another individual into giving her something, such as food, some item or some service.[140]
- Sense of the Prey: As the Garou Ragabash Gift.[141]
Level 3[]
- Safe Passage: The Gurahl and those traveling with him may journey without leaving any trace of their passage.[142]
- Trackless Waste: As the Red Talon Gift.[143]
Level 4[]
- Favor of Ursa Minor: As the Ragabash Gift: Luna's Blessing.[144]
Level 5[]
- Natural State: The Gurahl may cause a portion of the land to revert to its original wild state: fields reject planted crops, clear-cut areas regain their trees, buildings and their contents lapse into ruin and disappear. This can be used both to restore once-tainted land after cleansing it and to cause chaos directed against despoilers of the wilderness.[145]
- Rejuvenate: Use of this Gift provides the target with a temporary boost in spirits and a renewed zest for living, as if she had become young again. Sometimes (at the Storyteller's discretion), this Gift manifests physically, making the target appear and feel younger than her actual years. Gurahl perform this gift on themselves or another creature to bolster spirits, allow an elderly person the energy to complete some vital task or rescue an aging friend from depression. The Gurahl spends a Gnosis Trait and wins a Static Mental Challenge versus the target's Willpower. The exact effects of this Gift are up to the Storyteller. This Gift has no effect on the young - only the aged in body and mind can benefit - and lasts for the rest of the session.
- Humiliate: The Gurahl uses this Gift to castigate (usually verbally) up to five individuals, generating such a loss of self-esteem and shame in them that they back down from a fight or flee the area. This resembles an extremely powerful form of Dolorous Countenance since it affects more than one opponent. After verbally haranguing her targets, the Gurahl makes a Social Challenge (mob scene rules apply) against up to five targets. Individuals who lose to the Gurahl either back down or flee. Those who win may ignore the effect of the Gift. Even targets who manage to resist the Gift's effect still suffer a two-Trait penalty to their attack due to their belief that they will fail. The effects of this Gift persist for one week, sometimes leaving the victims with a permanent aversion to the Gurahl who so shamed them. Only sentient creatures qualify as targets for this Gift. Normal animals, Wyrm-creatures and spirits who lack a sense of shame are immune.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Open Seal: As the Ragabash Gift.[146]
- Walk Like a Man: The Gurahl may leave human footprints or bear prints behind in any form, at his discretion. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.[147]
Level 2[]
- Cajole: The character uses this Gift to coax another individual into giving her something, such as food, an item, or a service. Bear- or dog-spirits teach this Gift.[148]
- Pulse of the Prey: As the Ragabash Gift.[149]
Level 3[]
- Safe Passage: The Gurahl and those traveling with him may journey without leaving any trace of their passage. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.[150]
- Trackless Waste: As the Red Talon Gift.[151]
Level 4[]
- Favor of Ursa Minor: As the Ragabash Gift: Luna's Blessing.[152]
- Rejuvenate: As the Black Fury Gift: Breath of the Wyld, save that its effects last for (Succor) days.[153]
Level 5[]
- Natural State: The Gurahl may cause a portion of the land to revert to its original wild state: fields reject planted crops, clear-cut areas regain their trees, buildings and their contents lapse into ruin and disappear. This can be used both to restore once-tainted land after cleansing it and to cause chaos directed against despoilers of the wilderness. A glade child teaches this Gift.[154]
Leper's Curse from Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook. Art by Steve Eidson.
Fly Feet from Werewolf Players Guide. Art by either LAW or Richard Thomas?
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook, p. 174-175
- WTA: GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse, p. 118-119
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide, p. 37
- WTA/MET: The Apocalypse, p. 87-89
- WTA: Caerns: Places of Power, p. 13
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition, p. 118-119
- WTA: Werewolf Storytellers Handbook, p. 122
- WTA: Rage Across the World Volume 1, p. C: POP: 13
- Rage CCG: Rage (Blissful Ignorance, Catfeet, Moon Bridge Escape, Sticky Paws, Whelp Body)
- Rage CCG: Umbra (Gateway of the Hyena)
- Rage CCG: War of the Amazon (Shroud of the Jungle, Swift Reconnaissance)
- Rage CCG: Legacy of the Tribes (Fatal Flaw, Scent of Sweet Honey)
- Rage CCG: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 1 (Blur of the Milky Eye, Whelp Body)
- Rage CCG: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 2 (Odious Aroma, Quicksand, Thieving Talons of the Magpie)
- Rage CCG: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 3 (Fool's Luck)
- Rage CCG: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 5 (Carried on the Wind, Midnight Raid, Spellbinding Oration, Spider's Song)
- Rage CCG: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 6 (Jackal's Whisper, Shroud)
- Rage CCG: Rage Across Las Vegas: Equinox (Blissful Ignorance, Gremlins)
- WTA: Gurahl, p. 93-94
- WTA/MET: Laws of the Wild, p. 98-99
- WTWW: Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook, p. 142-144
- WTWW: Frontier Secrets, p. 8
- WTWW: The Wild West Companion, p. 71-72
- WTWW: Ghost Towns, p. 100
- WTWW/MET: Laws of the Wyld West, p. 146-147
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition, p. 36
- VTDA: Werewolf: The Dark Ages, p. 102
- MET: Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 6, p. 48
- WTA: Croatan Song, p. 114 (Gremlins is obviously out of place; it can easily be replaced with the Silent Strider Gift: The Great Leap.)
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition, p. 137-138
- WTA: Umbra Revised, p. 133
- WTA: Book of Auspices, p. 32-34
- DAW: Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook, p. 117-119
- WTA/MET: MET Gift Deck
- WTA/MET: Laws of the Wild Revised Edition, p. 124-126
- WTA/MET: Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2, p. 80-81
- WTA: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds, p. 93
- WTA: Players Guide to Garou, p. 186
- Rage CCG: Gauntlet (Blur of the Milky Eye)
- Rage CCG: Rainmakers (Sense of the Prey)
- W20: Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 161-164
- W20: Werewolf 20th Anniversary Wyld West Expansion Pack, p. 30, 31 (Liar’s Craft – Bald-Faced Lie, Thieving Talons of the Magpie – Thieving Talons, sometimes Broken Treaty)
- W20/MET: Mind's Eye Theatre: Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- W20: Changing Breeds, p. 116-117
- W20: Changing Ways, p. 152
- W20: Auspice Gift Cards (Blur of the Milky Eye, Infectious Laughter, Liar's Face, Open Seal, Scent of Running Water, Blissful Ignorance, Pulse of the Prey, Spider's Song, Taking the Forgotten, Gremlins, Liar's Craft, Open Moon Bridge, Pathfinder, Luna's Blessing, Umbral Dodge, Whelp Body, Thieving Talons of the Magpie, Thousand Forms, Firebringer)
- W5: 5th Edition Core Book, p. 149-152
^ Level One
^ Level Two
^ Level Three
^ Level Four
^ Level Five
^ Level Six
Firebringer | Werewolf Storytellers Handbook | p. 122 |
Firebringer | Book of Auspices | p. 34 |
Firebringer | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 163-164 |
^ Total Renown 2
Blissful Ignorance | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 149 |
Crow's Laughter | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 149 |
Gremlins | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 149-150 |
Spider's Song | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 150 |
^ Total Renown 5
Blur of the Milky Eye | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 150 |
Open Seal | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 150 |
Pulse of the Prey | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 150-151 |
Scent of Running Water | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 151 |
^ Total Renown 8
Luna's Armor | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 151 |
The Thousand Forms | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 151-152 |
Thieving Talons of the Magpie | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 152 |
Whelp Body | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | p. 152 |
Alter Scent | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Alter Scent | Laws of the Wild | p. 98 |
Blissful Ignorance | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 124 |
Blur of the Milky Eye | The Apocalypse | p. 87 |
Blur of the Milky Eye | Laws of the Wild | p. 98 |
Blur of the Milky Eye | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 124 |
Gurahl: Cajole | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 80 |
Carried on the Wind | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 146 |
Open Seal | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Open Seal | Laws of the Wild | p. 98 |
Open Seal | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 124 |
Gurahl: Open Seal | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 80 |
Scent of Running Water | The Apocalypse | p. 87 |
Scent of Running Water | Laws of the Wild | p. 98 |
Scent of Running Water | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 146 |
Scent of Running Water | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 124 |
Sense of the Prey | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 124-125 |
Gurahl: Sense of the Prey | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 80 |
Snow Running | Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 6 | p. 48 |
Spider's Song | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 146 |
Taking the Forgotten | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Taking the Forgotten | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 125 |
Gurahl: Walk Like a Man | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 80 |
Walk Under the New Moon | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 146 |
Bald-Faced Lie | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 147 |
Blissful Ignorance | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Blissful Ignorance | Laws of the Wild | p. 98 |
Gurahl: Favor of Ursa Minor | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 80 |
Fool's Luck | Laws of the Wild | p. 98 |
Gremlins | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 125 |
Hide in Plain Sight | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 146 |
Luna's Blessing | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 125 |
Man with No Name | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 146-147 |
Open the Moon Bridge | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Open Moon Bridge | Laws of the Wild | p. 99 |
Open the Moon Bridge | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 147 |
Open Moon Bridge | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 125 |
Gurahl: Rejuvenate | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 80-81 |
Reynard's Lie | Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 6 | p. 48 |
Gurahl: Safe Passage | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 81 |
Taking the Forgotten | Laws of the Wild | p. 99 |
Gurahl: Trackless Waste | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 81 |
Whelp Body | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 125 |
Fool's Luck | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Gurahl: Humiliate | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 81 |
Luna's Blessing | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Luna's Blessing | Laws of the Wild | p. 99 |
Luna's Blessing | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 147 |
Mark of Shame | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 147 |
Gurahl: Natural State | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 81 |
Thieving Talons | Laws of the Wyld West | p. 147 |
Thieving Talons of the Magpie | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 125-126 |
Taking the Forgotten | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Thousand Forms | Laws of the Wild Revised Edition | p. 126 |
Violation | The Apocalypse | p. 88-89 |
Violation | Laws of the Wild | p. 99 |
Whelp Body | The Apocalypse | p. 88 |
Whelp Body | Laws of the Wild | p. 99 |