White Wolf Wiki

Qui is the Sheriff to the Camarilla court of Ottawa.


Little in his appearance (except maybe his scars, which he always attempts to hide) betrays the fact that he is, in fact, a Nosferatu; unlike other members of his clan, Qui can bypass as an ordinary human. Rumors are coursing among his fellow Kindred as to why, some say Thaumaturgy rituals did this, others go so far as to speculate that Qui is not a Nosferatu at all, and only a chosen few know that Sheriff's appearance is a result of his captivity at the hands of the Sabbat and being used as a test subject by a Tzimisce called Amadose.

Qui arrived to Ottawa in 1977 at the former Prince Cranston's request, to become her co-conspirator against then-Prince Jonah, who not only failed to get rid of the Sabbat in Montreal, but also caused the destruction of a number of Kindred as well as innumerable ghoul servants. Unfortunately, Cranston followed her predecessor's footsteps, as her overconfidence led to an ambush and her subsequent destruction. Qui only managed to save Cranston's Seneschal, Arundel. Shortly after his ascension as a Prince, Arundel offered a position of Sheriff to Qui, which he gratefully accepted, and the Nosferatu had been fiercely loyal to his Prince ever since.

Qui was Embraced in early-to-mid-19th (possibly late 18th) century Boston in the middle of a war with the local Ventrue. His sire was killed shortly afterwards, but Qui got lucky when one of the city's Tremere, Basil (a supposed childe of Madeline Coventry), decided to take young fledgling under his wing. Basil made ample use of Qui's talents, his ability to vanish from sight making him an ideal spy, and even taught him basics of mind-control, but ultimately sold him out to the Ventrue to save his own hide. And that isn't something Qui likes to remember.


  • As Sheriff, Qui always advocates the bloodiest and most ruthless solutions, even if he's not comfortable with them.
  • Qui's domain as a Sheriff (predictably) is the police department of Ottawa.
  • Mastered Obfuscate and is able to wipe out memories.
  • "Qui" is a pseudonym he adopted upon becoming a Kindred; his real name is James Coyle.
  • Is a possible romance interest for the protagonist.
  • He's so attached to his car that blowing it up will make him cry.
  • Was once romantically involved with one of his ghouls, a police officer named Sam.
  • Qui somehow knows that Jeannette Voerman isn't a sibling, but, infact, Therese's another personality: if a Malkavian protagonist romances Qui and chooses to reveal the existence of their "imaginary friend", Qui will ask wether it is "like that club owner in Santa Monica with the different personalities?"


