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Replanting a Lily is a side quest for VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines .


After completing Thinned Blood, Vandal Cleaver will ask you to find him a new blood donor to replace Lily. He'll suggest finding someone in The Asylum.


In the Basic game, there's only one way to solve the quest:

  • Non-Nosferatu: Go to the The Asylum and go up to the second floor balcony to find Danielle (she's the one with the pink "State" shirt). Persuade (3) or Seduce (3) her to convince her to go to the Blood Bank. This will result in a loss of Humanity.

The Plus patch provides two additional options:

  • Later in the game, once you're Downtown, with a low enough Humanity (3 or lower), you can convince Patty in Club Confession that her regnant Kent Alan Ryan is planning a rave at the Blood Bank. This will result in a loss of Humanity, but potentially resolves both Replanting a Lily and Attention Whore.
  • If A Bounty For The Hunter is active but you have not yet visited Stanley Gimble, go to Gimble's Prosthetics and, once Gimble has described his life story to you, you can Persuade (5) him that the local morgue offers cadavers for scientific research. This will briefly result in a loss of Humanity, but you'll gain it back in a few moments as you progress in the Bounty quest, resulting in a net loss of zero.


Report back to Vandal once your chosen victim has been sent to the blood bank.


  • 2XP
  • -1 Humanity (Danielle)
  • -1 Humanity (Patty)
  • No net change in Humanity (Gimble)

