Qetu the Evil Doer is a Bane Mummy.
In life, Qetu is rumored to have been the vilest of strumpets, a dancer who darkened the Pharaoh's court with her presence and brought about the ruin of many good officials. Her manipulative wiles attracted the attention of the priests of Set, who made her what she is. Now, Qetu acts as agent provocateur for the servants of Apophis, and she has been responsible for the damnation of several mummies over the millennia. Qetu has taken the rise of Amenti as an exciting challenge of her abilities to seduce and corrupt. Qetu sometimes tries to retain a veneer of sophistication, but she invariably adopts the filthiest language and crudest aphorisms of whatever culture she finds herself in.
Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook:
All Bane mummies share certain base Traits, as outlined in the following template. Additionally, each Bane mummy has unique quirks and powers, as detailed in the individual descriptions.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6, Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 7, Linguistics 3, Melee 3, Occult 5, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Powers: Two Hekau paths at 5, one at 4, one at 3, and one at 1. Additionally, Bane mummies' warped bodies often give them unique abilities.
Willpower: 5-10
Corruption: 7-10
Unique Power: Unlike most Bane mummies, Qetu is outwardly beautiful (Manipulation 3, Appearance 5). However, this beauty is but a ruse. Qetu actually wears the necromantically animated skin of a beautiful young woman over her true form - which is that of a decaying corpselike hag. When one sees through her trickery, Qetu whips off the skin-disguise, using it like a matador's cape to distract and ensnare foes. (On a successful Dexterity roll against an opponent, her foe suffers +2 difficulty to all physical actions that turn.) Despite her decrepit body, Qetu still retains a dancer's grace (Dexterity 5, Athletics 5, Dodge 5).
- VTM/WOD: Mummy, p. 66
- WOD: World of Darkness: Mummy Second Edition, p. 35
- MTR: Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook, p. 199, 201
- MTR/cMET: Laws of the Resurrection, p. 245
- VTES: Final Nights