Proud Speaker was a homid Uktena Galliard who lived in the 19th century United States.
In the Wild West Rulebook's Example of Play, Proud Speaker is played by Kathy[1].
Even after his First Change, Proud Speaker remained close to his human Kinfolk. As a Galliard, he learned the songs and stories of his human and Uktena ancestors, taking great delight in the thought that he formed a link between past and future. Then the Europeans arrived in his ancestral lands, imposing their ways and customs (not to mention their towns and railroads) upon the native people or displacing them altogether. The Garou that accompanied the newcomers exhibited the same carelessness and arrogance as the humans; worse, they disrupted the very fabric of the Umbra as they swept through the land.
Unlike many Uktena, however, Proud Speaker decided that the newcomers, for the most part, acted as they did because they did not understand the consequences of their behavior. Recognizing that the European Garou would not be driven away by force or subtlety, Proud Speaker embarked on a visionquest to discover how best to deal with the intruders.
Three days later, he returned to his sept. He had seen with his own eyes the chaos that threatened the stability of the Umbra, and had learned from the spirits he encountered there what he must do. He would become an emissary to the European Garou, bringing them the knowledge of the right ways.
Proud Speaker's vision led him to the Silver Fang Isaiah Morningkill, and the two gathered a pack around them. With his new companions, Proud Speaker traveled throughout the Savage West, confronting the minions of the Wyrm and the Storm Eater. Proud Speaker's lore often made the difference between defeat and victory for his pack. In addition, his knowledge of the land and his obvious survival skills proved useful to his companions, who soon found themselves imitating their Uktena packmate in many ways.
Although few European Garou know the full story of Isaiah Morningkill's pack and its gallant battle against the Storm Eater, the Uktena remember Proud Speaker's part in that tragic and heroic undertaking. The teller of tales and singer of songs has, himself, become part of the body of legends he so revered.
From the White Wolf Website: Signature Characters (circa 1997):[]
"Proud Speaker: This young Uktena Galliard has been trained from birth to be a voice for his people and the Land. As he listens to tales of the coming of the Wyrmcomers, he sets his sights on seeking out some of the European Garou and seeing if they're one and all as corrupt as he hears. If some will listen, he will tell them the tale of the Storm Eater - and if not, then he will fight them as he would any enemy.
Then he meets Isaiah Morningkill - a European Garou on the run from his fellow settlers. Pleased to find a European Garou of honor, Proud Speaker agrees to teach Morningkill the ways of the Storm Umbra - on the condition that Morningkill spread the knowledge among his fellow immigrants, and teach them to tread more softly."
- ↑ WTWW: Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook, p. 262-267 (Example of Play)
- White Wolf Website, 1997 (Wayback Machine)
- WTWW: Werewolf: The Wild West Poker Deck
- WTA: Uktena Tribebook, p. 66-67