The Principality of Gwynt, the Borderlands, is a Changeling Kingdom in Cymru, the land mortals know as Wales.
Gwynt is the smallest of the principalities of Cymru, as much a place of rivers as a borderland. The River Severn flows through the south, with the Usk in the southwest and the Monnow in the northeast. No major cities occupy the principality, but towns include Abergavenny, Monmouth, Usk, and Chepstow. The countryside is rich and lush, and has easy access to waterways and roads as well as England, France, and the Channel Islands. The Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal, for example, flow from just east of Pontypool to Brecon in Powys. Along the Wye River, Gwynt borders England's Kingdom of Smoke to the east, Glamorgan to the south, and Powys to the north and west.
The land in Gwynt is rich for farming and green as any in the Isle of the Mighty. Most of the rich soil comes from the rivers' silt. Gwynt also has several important historical sites, with the Roman excavations at Caerleon and the Abbey at Tintern.
Cantrev Cymer[]
Cantrev Cymer is the only cantrev in Gwynt, covering more or less the entire southern portion of the principality. A few years ago, a small group of Kithain tried to start a freehold in the north of the principality, near the River Monnow, but they disappeared without a trace. Most people suspect Morgenstern or his henchmen stopped them.
Most Tylwyth Teg in Cantrev Cymer look to the wise satyr Nestor Evans for leadership. He has opened his small freehold to any who swear loyalty to Cymru and enmity to the Dauntain, Nestor is so open-hearted, it would be fatally easy for a foe to infiltrate and destroy his cozy motley.
Table of the Two Rivers[]
For Nestor Evans' freehold, see the article Table of the Twin Rivers.
Bron Methlyn[]
For more on this den of vice, see the article Jane Bowden.
The Vanishing Age[]
For more, see the article Vanishing Naga.
The Caerleon Linguistics Academy[]
See the article Dakarai Morley.
- CTD. Isle of the Mighty, pp. 167-169.