Prince Inari is a Totem of the Hengeyokai.
In Life[]
As a Totem[]
The Prince Inari is a spirit of plenty, of rice and foxes, of benevolence and justice. He is the great hero of the Kitsune, and teaches that true nobility requires generosity and cunning as well as bravery and honor. He is a common patron to Kitsune, and is willing to act as benefactor to any Sentai who are willing to learn his lessons of cleverness and grace.
- Background Cost: 5
Traits & Ban[]
Each member of a sentai serving Prince Inari gains a dot of Wits. What's more, he teaches his children a variant of the Gift: Cooking which produces rice rather than gruel. Kitsune react favorably to sentai who follow Inari, and treat them as honored cousins (if not always equals).
Inari forbids his servants to bring misery to fox kits, and to a lesser extent, human children. Inari's children cannot kill foxes if this would leave kits to starve, and sometimes wind up spending some of their free time caring for families of foxes. This ban doesn't forbid his sentai from killing corrupt humans who also happen to have families, but hengeyokai are expected to make some sort of provision to lessen the children's misery.
- WTA: Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East, p. 115, 124-125, 140, 184-185
- WTA/cMET: Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts, p. 128-129, 159, 171-172, 173-174, 180