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White Wolf Wiki

Preta are hungry ghosts — beings consumed by Envy.


Hate is all we have.

It is uncertain as to what exactly spawns a Preta, and whether they are spirits or ghosts or some bizarre hybrid. Regardless of origin, the Preta are cursed beings, forced to spend their existence watching humans enjoying the pleasures denied them. This unfortunate nature often leaves them wallowing in bitterness, easy prey to the infernal. As such, Preta frequently become akathartoi.

Upon becoming Diaboli, Preta tend to find it easier to control their jealousy long enough to make contact and negotiate with humans.

Character Sheet[]

Preta Inferno

Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 3, Resistance 1
Malapraxis: Constantly hungry, Preta Envy that which they can't have and sabotage the affairs and possessions of others to vent their anger. Their Malapraxes are Envy and Treachery.
Willpower: 3
Infernal Rank: 1
Initiative: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 10
Size: 5
Corpus: 6
Essence: 10
Demonic Aspects: Aura of Corruption, the Dragon's Tongue, Keeper of Secrets, Lord of Lies and Sense of Sin
Numina: Corrupt Nature, Materialize, Lesser Hellform

  • Damnation's Path: Spend Essence to prevent victims from regaining Willpower without fulfilling their Vice. This Numen does not prevent a virtuous act, but there is no mechanical reward. Fulfilling a Vice restores Willpower as normal. Satisfying a Vice that also leads to a degeneration roll returns all spent Willpower. If a Preta encounters its Ban during the duration of Damnation's Path, the curse is lifted and the Numen fails. Encountering a Ban during the "conversion" process likewise ends the struggle. A victim who successfully fights off the Preta's curse (via Ban or otherwise) is immune to this Numen for one lunar month.
  • Envious Stare: As part of their curse, Preta can always clearly see the actions and possessions of humans, regardless of their state in Twilight.

Ban: If the Preta is offered food, freely given, it must partake of the meal and never return to plague the giver.

