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Predator & Prey 5: Mage is a fiction novel for Hunter: The Reckoning and Mage: The Ascension. It is the fifth book of the Predator & Prey Saga.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Is Ignorance Truly Bliss?
Adrian Cross is unwittingly abetting the efforts of the Technocracy to further their grandiose plans, which have already essentially assured them world domination. However, in order for their latest efforts to hear fruit, the Technocracy needs a larger sacrifice of Adrian. The circumstances that are to lead to Adrian's further involvement have been planned carefully. Yet they fail.
This small crack in their encompassing plans may be an opening to the possibility of free will, something that Adrian and all his fellow humans seem to be slowly losing. With the assistance of two very different strangers who wish for very different things for him, Adrian begins a terrifying journey of discovery into the true inner workings of the World of Darkness. But as he learns more, he begins to wonder if perhaps he was safer in his ignorance.
Predator & Prey: Mage is the fifth in this series of six novels that explores the Hunters newly arrived within the World of Darkness and the supernatural foes they believe they have an obligation to confront. In the course of the series, the line between hunter and hunted continues to blur. The series continues with Predator & Prey: Executioner.






  • One - Seven


  • One - Six


  • One - Eight


  • One - Five

About the Author[]


Background Information[]


Memorable Quotes[]

"My mom had a saying about miracles," Adrian said. He was in no mood for this right now. "She said God never did anybody a miracle. He just stood by and smiled so we'd know He was happy for us. She said what we call miracles are really just dumb luck God approves of." - pg. 53


  • Adrian Cross - Imbued, Sleepwalker
  • First - Men in Black
  • Second - Men in Black
  • Third - Men in Black
  • Fourth - Men in Black
  • Agent Jacob Sutton - Syndicate Mage, Died
  • Matthew Simonson - Virtual Adept Mage, Internet Reporter, Publishes The Wake-Up Call
  • Sarah Gordon - Mortal, Adrian's Ex-Wife
  • Brandon - Mortal, Adrian's and Sarah's Son
  • Doctor Zearin - Technocrat Mage
  • Stephanie - Mortal, Adrian's Girlfriend from the past
  • Kurt - Mortal, Stephanie's friend
  • Doctor Thomas Anderson - Mortal
  • Paul - Mortal, Orderly
  • Peter - Sarah's Husband
  • Jim Mahoney - Mortal, Chamber of Commerce
  • Evan Dunkirk - Mortal, Chamber of Commerce
  • Isaac Gordon - Mortal, Chamber of Commerce, Owns IRM
  • Mary Stanford - Mortal, Chamber of Commerce, Receptionist
  • Aron Jordan - Mage, Cabbie
  • Candace - Mortal, Isaac Gordon's Personal Assistant
  • Bradbury - Mortal, Isaac Gordon's Butler
  • Mike Grogan - Mortal, IRM Manager, Fired
  • Lucy - Mortal, Isaac Gordon's Servant
  • Richard - Mortal, Isaac Gordon's Former Driver
  • Eric - Mortal, Isaac Gordon's Driver
  • Detective Eric Havelin - Mortal, Police Detective
  • Edward - Mortal, Chamber of Commerce Intern
  • Gerry Stafford - Risen/Rot, IRM Employee, Destroyed
  • Albert Tinsley - Imbued, Died
  • Douglas Sands - Imbued
  • Nathan James, "Sugardaddy" - Imbued


Agenda, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Construct, Assistants by Order (Temp agency, Technocracy), Atlanta, Awakened, Battle Creek, Boston, Classified, Consensus, Construct, Control, Convention, Crusade, Daihatsu (Company), Detroit, Digital Web, Dixie Cab Company, Enlightened, Field Coordinator, Files, Flint, Georgia, Grand Rapids, hunter-net, IRM, Iron Rapids, Iron Rapids Manufacturing (Company, AKA: IRM), Iteration X, Lansing, Lester Hotel (Location), Marion Adrock Elementary School, Memphis, Men in Black, Michigan, New World Order, Paradox, Procedure, Protocols, Reality Deviant, Sleeper, Sleepwalking, Syndicate, SynSol, Synthetic Solutions Corporation (Technocrat Company, AKA: "SynSol"), Technocracy, Technocrat, Tennessee, Time Table, Tradition, The Wake-Up Call (Website by Matthew Simonson), Zahn's Bakery (Location),

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