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Predator & Prey 4: Jury is a fiction novel for Hunter: The Reckoning. It is the fourth book of the Predator & Prey Saga.


From the White Wolf Catalog:
Nowhere to Hide
Undead monsters prowl the city streets, hidden from the eyes of an oblivious world. Those few humans aware of the threat face an uphill battle. Douglas Sands has seen his fellow hunters die. Fleeing monster and law alike, he and three other survivors seek refuge beyond the city - only to discover that the wild forests hold their own secret horrors.
Kaitlin Stinnet also sees the monsters for what they are. But are the bloodthirsty, raging beasts that much different from the humans she has known? Is there middle ground to be discovered, or arel the answers all black and white, merely to be confirmed by blood?
Predator & Prey: Jury is the fourth in this series of six novels that explores the Hunters newly arrived within the World of Darkness and the supernatural foes they believe they have an obligation to confront. In the course of the series, the line between hunter and the hunted continues to blur. The series continues with Predator & Prey: Mage.


Part One: Flight[]

  • Chapter One - Chapter Eleven

Part Two: Pursuit[]

  • Chapter Twelve - Chapter Twenty-Seven

Part Three: Return[]

  • Chapter Twenty-Eight - Chapter Thirty-Five

Predator & Prey Mage Excerpt[]

Background Information[]

  • The back of the novel lists other World of Darkness novels by Gherbod Fleming.
  • Chapter 30 was also published in the Inherit the Earth anthology as the short story, "The Frailty of Humans".

Memorable Quotes[]

"The grungy man with Kaitlin returned Sands' stare - except Sands no longer saw a man. He saw a hulking, furry beast over eight feet tall, hunched forward from a sizeable protuberance on its back. Bloody spittle dripped down its chest from ominous fangs. The wolfish eyes glared murder. In its claws, the monster gripped...a heavy winter coat. Sands blinked, and again, unable to absorb the incongruity." - Pg. 104


  • Douglas Sands - Imbued
  • Clarence - Imbued, Kaitlin's Cousin, Died
  • John Hetger - Imbued, Died
  • Julia Barnes - Imbued
  • Jason Parks - Imbued, Died
  • Melanie Vinn - Mortal
  • Albert Tinsley - Imbued, Died
  • Faye Sands - Mortal
  • Floyd Robesin - Mortal, AgriTech employee, Facility Manager, Died
  • Kaitlin Stinnet - Hermit, Imbued, Clarence's Cousin, Died
  • Frances Oliver - Mortal, Office Secretary, AgriTech employee
  • Anne Robesin - Mortal, Floyd's Wife
  • Jenna Robesin - Mortal, Floyd's Daughter
  • Melissa Robesin, "Mel" - Mortal, Floyd's Daughter
  • Black Rindle, "Hunch" - Garou, Ahroun, Metis, Member of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Sept Leader
  • Claudia Stands Firm - Garou, Warder of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Died
  • Barks-at-Shadows - Garou, Silver Fang Moon-Calf, Member of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Died
  • Water Snake - Spirit Guardian of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Uktena's Brood
  • Galia Rainchild - Garou, Uktena, Theurge, Member of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Black Rindle's Mother, Died
  • Owl - Spirit Guardian of the Sept of the Wailing Glade
  • Meneghwo - Spirit, "The Patchwork Wolf," or "The Quilt Wolf"
  • Shreds Birch - Garou, Red Talon, Member of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Died
  • Cynthia Slack Ear - Garou, Black Fury, Member of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Died
  • "Fir Bolg" - Garou Fomori, Fianna, Galliard, Barkeep of Murphy's Tap House, Formerly Ryan Murphy, "EveSong", Died
  • Evert Cloudkill - Garou/Bane Wyrm Beast, Theurge, Black Rindle's Father, Destroyed
  • Gerry Stafford - Risen/Rot, IRM Employee, Destroyed
  • Davis Kilby - Mortal, Died
  • Amelia Kilby - Ghost, Possessing Davis Kilby, IRM Employee, Died
  • Nathan James - Imbued
  • Salmon - Spirit
  • Badger - Spirit
  • Maleva - Mortal, Died
  • David Barnes - Mortal, Died
  • Timothy Barnes - Mortal, Julia's Son, Kidnapped by Vampires
  • Dr. Evans, "Larry Evans" or "Lawrence Evans"- Mortal, Doctor, Lab Administrator for AgriTech
  • Gunderson - AgriTech Lab Assistant, Died
  • Frederich Night Terror - Garou, Ahroun, Pack Leader, Member of the Sept of the Wailing Glade, Died


Africa, AgriTech (Company, Wyrm-tainted), Alpha, Ancestors, Badger, Bane, Caern, Challenge (WTA), Crinos, Cub (WTA), Delirium, Detroit, Dirge (WTA), Edges, Elders, Fir Bolg, First Change, Fomoire, Frenzy, Fury, Gaia, Galliard, Garou, Garou-tongue, Ghosts, Gifts, Harano, Hunters, hunter-net, Imbued, Iron Rapids, Iron Rapids Manufacturing (Company, AKA: IRM), Kin, Kinfolk, Klaive, Lansing, Litany, Luna, Lupus (Breed), Lupus (Form), Metis, Michigan, Mongrel (WTA), Moon-Calf, Moot, Murphy's Tap House (Location), Oklahoma City, Owl, Pack, Packmate, Rage, Renowned, Rite, Rot, Salmon, Sept, Sept of the Wailing Glade (Destroyed), Sight, Silver, Silver Fangs, Spirit, Spirit World, Stargazers, Talon, Tellurian, Theurge, Totem, Tribe, Uktena, Umbra, Vampire, Water Snake, Weaver, Werewolf, Werewolves, Whelp (WTA), White Howlers, Winimac, Wisdom, Wyld, Wyrm, Wyrm-Taint, Zombie,


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