White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Philippe R. Boulle is a Vampire: The Masquerade developer, and has contributed to several other White Wolf gamelines as well.


Philippe's official contributions for White Wolf include the following:


Concept & Design[]





Concept & Design:[]

Original Concept & Design[]




Special Thanks[]

  • 2004/November 15: VTR: Coteries Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print! Philippe “Patio Table” Boulle, for facilitating the stolen table’s journey through the window
  • 2001/August 20: Exalted: Exalted Storyteller's Companion Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Phillippe “Tabernac!” Boulle, for carrying the colors of the Wolf to the Francophonic world.
  • 2001/June 11: VTM: Midnight Siege : Philip “Puzzled” Boulle, for traveling 12 hours to a million-dollar house on the beach while the dolphins swam outside and spending his time doing jigsaw puzzles in the dayroom.
  • 2000/November: HTR: Hunter Book: Martyr : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Phil “Family Ties” Boulle (Wing), for bailing on a game when the clan was in town, instead of exposing them to the carnage.
  • 2000/August 7: WTA: A World of Rage : Phillipe “Ministry of French-Canadian Culture” Boulle, for spot-checking a thing or three. Mercy bow-coop.
  • 2000/June: HTR: Hunter Book: Judge Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print! White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Phil "La Fleur" Boulle (Wing), for knowing too much French stuff to shout at a Habs game.
  • 2000/May: HTR: Hunter Book: Innocent : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Phil “Two Periods” Boulle (Wing). “Next time I promise I’ll make it to the third.”
  • 2000/March: WTA: Ananasi : Phillipe “Mr. Popularity” Boule, for discovering that you get a lot more visitors with a dog in your cubicle.
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