White Wolf Wiki

Pham Hong was a Neonate childe of Al Capone, he was the head of all known Asian gangs in Chicago. He operated as the crime boss of Chinatown until he was destroyed during the War of Chicago.


For generations, Pham Hong's family faithfully served Saigon's crime bosses as bookkeepers, runners, and muscle. However, his father longed for the chance to break this patem which had so enslaved his ancestors. His opportunity came with the fall of South Vietnam in 1973. His family was one of the lucky few which escaped to America, where it quickly made is way to Chicago and the Vietnamese community of the burgeoning New Chinatown. Pham Hong's father opened a small grocery store, changed his name and made his only son promise never to become involved with "the old gangs". However, Pham Hong despised the loss of prestige and power his family suffered. The shame of being a shopkeeper was almost too much o bear.

Determincd to keep his promise to his father and never join a Victnamese gang, Pham sought out the Italian families and made his services available to them. The young skinny Vietnamese boy was brought into the family more as a joke than anything else, but his natural intelligence and the skills he had honed living in wartorn Saigon allowed him to rise in importance in the usually racist world of the Mafia. Though he was never a power in his own right, his skills became essential to the local bosses.

It was at this point that Capone and Ballard began to clash yet again. Capone found himself often on the losing side of these early battles as Ballard's financial wizardry and control of the establishment seemed to thwart him at every turn. During the early days of Maldavis' rise, Capone managed to persuade Lodin to let him create a Neonate to help fight the growing threat. He began looking for someone who could help him compete with Ballard and came upon Pham, whose abilities as a manipulator and controller had become known even to him. At this time, however, the Mafia bosses had discovered that Pham had managed to salt several million of their dollars away in overscas bank accounts, and ordered a hit. At this point Capone intervencd, and Pham joincd the Kindred.

Pham, who now operates under the name Chuc Luc, has served Capone admirably in the ensuing years, though the older Vampire has still kept a close watch on his progeny. Chuc Luc took his new name from the Viet Minh conventional forces which had fought the French in the 1950s and found that Occidentals in general tend to underestimate him because of the comical nom de plume. He has been a surprise to many Anarchs who quickly found themselves in dire straits during fights with the deadly street fighter. Ballard tends to underestimate Chuc Luc, and still gets a good laugh out of the idea that this skinny bookworm could prove any threat to his plans.

Chuc Luc now makes his home in the depths of New Chinatown, which he rules with an iron fist. He does his best to keep all other Kindred out of the area and has come to see himself as the self-appointed protector of the people who make this area their home. Still, he does not advertise his position among the Kindred, believing that he works more effectively if only a few know his true nature. He only feeds on ex-Vietnam vets.

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