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Peter Littlefeather, "Trucker235" is a hunter of the Redeemer Creed.


Being born in Kansas to a Native American father and a Thai mother doesn't really set up for a traditional take on life, but Peter Littlefeather had a happy childhood at the ranch his parents worked. There weren't a lot of opportunities outside that profession, though, so Peter decided to go into the army after high school. His parents and sister were opposed, but he was desperate to get away. After several blazing arguments, they parted on moderately acrimonious terms.

Peter put Kansas behind him, completed training and spent several undistinguished but relatively content years in the service before Vietnam exploded. Then all hell broke loose. He was sent over fairly early and discovered an undesired aptitude for jungle fighting. As the months wore on, the conflict between his orders and his father's teachings grew stronger and stronger, and the strain of jungle warfare eventually proved too much.

After a nervous breakdown, a period of rehabilitation and a second breakdown, Peter was judged unfit for active duty, and he was discharged. By the time he made it back to the States, his parents were both dead and his sister had given up on him as a murderer. Feeling desperately guilty over the people he'd killed, Peter drifted from small town to small town, doing odd jobs and drinking hard. By the time the '80s ended, he was a hardened alcoholic who looked closer to 60 than to his actual 45.

Ultimately, Peter was dragged back from the brink by a recovering drinking buddy who enrolled him in AA and gave him a trucking job. For the first time since leaving the ranch, Peter managed to find some peace in the world.

He was on the road when the call came. A young man had crashed at the roadside and was being assisted by a couple who stopped to help. Peter pulled over to see what he could do. As he climbed from his truck, he wondered briefly at an abrupt break in the CB chatter: "THEY DO NOT SEE ITS REAL PAIN." Peter was dumbfounded when he realized that, despite words shared between the couple and the trapped victim, the young man in the car was dead - and had been for a while. Peter stayed calm, explained that he knew some field medicine, and took over while the couple went for help (fortunately, they never wondered why he didn't just use his CB radio to call in the emergency). Peter pulled the dead man from the wreckage, patched him up and offered him a life to the next town. They spent the journey chatting pleasantly, and then Peter dropped off the corpse.

Since then, little has changed. Peter's work and his calling don't conflict - he didn't have much of a life to disrupt. Over the course of a month, his job usually takes him across the country and back. He keeps up with hunter-net on an old portable computer and even older acoustic coupler, checking his email from public phones.

Character Sheet[]

Peter never fully recovered from his nervous break -downs. His guilt over the people he killed was the cause of his drifting and alcoholism. He absolutely refuses to take another life, even now. His employer keeps him on the move, which suits him fine, because he finds life on the road peaceful. Now over 50, Peter blends kindness with caution, but will do everything he can to honor any request for aid. He's chatty and pleasant when he stops, and he talks to anyone so he knows many people across the country.

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina (Rugged) 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Abilities: Alertness (Sight) 4, Animal Ken 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Drive 3, Empathy 3, Firearms 2, Medicine 3, Melee 2, Survival 3
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 2, Patron 2
Edges: (Redemption) Outreach, Insight, Punish; (Vision) Foresee
Mercy: 7, Vision: 2, Conviction: 9, Willpower: 7
Derangements: Insomnia

