White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Patricia Heslin is an Imbued Hunter.


Until the imbuing opened her eyes to the depths of the world's depravity, Patricia Heslin was a sister at the Sacred Heart Convent in Cincinnati, Ohio. Children and local churchgoers to whom Heslin and her fellow nuns tended were being preyed upon by a horrific being that fed upon their bodies - and to her eyes - their very souls. Worse, she discovered that her mother superior and some of her peers ushered victims to this dark presence, whether by its command or at their own behest.

Heslin tried to learn what the others were doing and what the demonic presence might be, but ultimately she fled the convent in fear, her head a tangle of voices and her faith sorely shaken. Months passed as she struggled to come to grips with what she had seen, and she wrestled with what to do about it. In the meantime, life seemed to proceed as if normal at her convent, but Heslin knew different. Strangely, no one arrived to seek her out or learn why she'd suddenly left. It was as if she had been forgotten altogether, which led her deeper into depression and isolation.

Before long, only objects - the television, newspaper, radio - kept Patricia abreast of the world and events at her former home. She ventured onto the Internet via a neighbor's computer only out of some bizarre compulsion that she couldn't explain. Soon enough, she discovered Robert Kiley and found in him a kindred spirit. She wasn't alone, There was hope. She could have faith again.

At Kiley's behest, Heslin does her best to observe developments at her former convent, and she hopes to learn what truly goes on there. Thus far, she has discovered no other of God's chosen in her vicinity and suspects that others whom she has read about - apart from Kiley - simply misunderstand the message that has been delivered to them, assuming even that God had spoken to them at all.

