White Wolf Wiki

The Path of Entelechy is one of the more recent -or ancient- Paths of Enlightenment. Teachers of the Path are usually awakening Brujah elders that are horrified to witness the degraded state of their once proud clan.

Followers of this Path are called 'the Philosophers'.


Only a few Brujah actually follow this path, the most prominent being Menele. The elder seems to be in contact with his contemporaries in Greece and Turkey, and guides potential candidates to philosophy teachers. Since the fall of the Anarch Free States to the Kuei-jin, some mendicant Brujah have heard the call and traveled to Greece to study at the feet of the masters.

Those who guide the cult look forward to the day when Brujah may once again take their place as leaders amongst the damned. Some fear that time grows short and they urge the group to redouble its efforts. But those voices are wrong. Time has already run out.

The Path of Entelechy orientates itself to the ancient ideals of the Brujah clan. One of its main tenets is the protection of what is left of the humanity inherent to every vampire. Philosophers constantly wrest against their Beast in order to maintain their sanity and make the best out of their cursed state. They firmly believe that God has a plan for them and undeath can offer one incredible knowledge and experience which in turn can used against the depredations of the Beast.

The Path acknowledges three truths: Enkratia, the inner strength; Reie, the courage and Saphrosyne, the Self-Control. By living and perfecting each of these truths, the Philosopher can attain entelechy, a state of perfect Self-Perfection.

Followers of the Path

To walk this path, one must pursue personal excellence: the Beast is all that is weak and base in the vampiric form. Lusts, frenzies, hungers and passions are weaknesses that must be purged. The Beast is not part of one's nature. It is external and must not be allowed free reign.

Elders on this path constantly seek to test followers by organizing challenges, driving adherents to higher peaks of endurance and accomplishment. Leaders attempt to keep these challenges within limits, but the possibility of going too far is high.

Virtues: the path extols Self-Control and Conviction.
Common Abilities: followers are expected to perfect themselves at Athletics, Alertness and Expression, as well as in Linguistics, Academics and Science.
Preferred Disciplines: the Brujah "standard" Disciplines of Celerity, Potence and Presence are favored. By excelling in these, neonates can challenge any foe and save themselves, and can train the mind as well as the body.


  • The Beast is weakness that must be purged
  • Learn all that can be learned about the Self
  • Mortals must not be taken for granted
  • Never show cowardice

Hierarchy of Sins

10 - Ill-defined or idle thinking

9 - Allowing others to fall to the Beast

8 - Acting on impulse

7 - Theft, robbery or vandalism

6 - Causing deliberate harm to a Mortal

5 - Feeding from an innocent by force

4 - Succumbing to Frenzy

3 - Allowing a crime to go unpunished

2 - Murdering innocents

1 - Aiding the followers of another Path (Paths other than humanity or similar)


Chaining the Beast, p. 100
