Park-a-Moor is a Freehold in the Principality of Tears.

This freehold is one of the newest in Albion, having been created in the mid-'70s by Lady Ellyndil (known among her mortal proteges as Ellen Dilford). It has already come to be acknowledged as an artist's colony of sorts, drawing poets and watercolorists from the surrounding region to an inn on a hill overlooking the water. The natural beauty of Conniston Water and the surrounding hills have inspired dreamers since the lakes' discovery. Through Lady Ellyndil's patronage, many gifted artists have been able to find the time and solitude they need to produce some truly wonderful pieces. Though Lady Greenlance of Nottingham has visited a few times, she and Lady Ellyndil seem to have had a tiff, and the two are no longer on speaking terms.
The unofficial court jester of Park-a-Moor is Jamie, Lady Ellyndil's ward. The young raccoon pooka's pranks are tolerated by most of the residents with a good-natured laugh, and his musical abiliry (or lack thereof) has led to some of the most hilarious sing-alongs the hills around Conniston Water have ever heard. Though Jamie is still a childling (and a pooka at that), he has a serious side that often puzzles newcomers. A sympathetic listener, Jamie even has the ear of Lady Ellyndil, and many expect that she will pass the freehold on to him when he is older.
- CTD. Isle of the Mighty, p. 52.