Paradox Spirits are spirits born of the Paradox accumulated in a particularly vulgar mage or from a vulgar spell. They are formed from the collective beliefs of humanity and often take on physical manifestations related to the offense that triggered them; a mage cursed for throwing a fireball might find themselves hounded by smoldering fire imps, or tormented by smoke creatures. Mages who are irresponsible with their magic while in the presence of Sleepers are the usual targets of Paradox spirits.
The Ahl-i-Batin believe that Paradox spirits are created from the souls of mages who have been trapped in Paradox Realms for so long they mutate into a spirit form and are driven to take vengeance on those who made the same mistake as them.
Scourgelings were an earlier form of Paradox spirits encountered during the Renaissance, before Paradox transformed into the unforgiving force it is today.
- MTAs: The Book of Madness, p. 53
- MTAs: Mage: The Ascension Rulebook, p. 290