In life Pansy Ledbedder, real name Scarlett Ledbedder, was a polio child who engrossed herself in romance novels until she was murdered in a robbery gone wrong.
In death, she became a wraith of the Hierarchy of Atlanta and became a part of the Ponce de Leon Ladies Haunting Society.
Pansy Ledbedder's real name in life was Scarlett Ledbedder. Born in 1947, Scarlett suffered from polio as a child and spent the majority of her life in a wheelchair. She immersed herself in romance novels and history books to make up for her shyness and because it was easier to read a book than to make a friend. In particular, she was fond of historical romances, chiefly among them Gone With the Wind. She died in 1980 after surprising the three youths who had broken into her house. Scarlett took on the name Pansy after crossing the Shroud because it was the name Margaret Mitchell had originally chosen for Scarlett in earlier drafts of Gone With the Wind, or so she has been told. The other Scarletts think this is silly and pretentious and continue to call her Scarlett, much to her chagrin. Since crossing the Shroud, Pansy has decided that she will try her hand at writing as a way of passing the time and paying tribute to her idol, Margaret Mitchell.
Pansy is slender and tall with red hair and green eyes. While at a passing glance she does seem quite similar to Vivian Leigh, she is much less an imitation that the other two Scarletts. Her skin is very pale, and her smile is infectious. Her clothes are frilly, but tend to reflect more modem styles.
Character Sheet[]
- WTO: Necropolis: Atlanta, p. 60