White Wolf Wiki

Pádraic Conroy is a Malkavian mediator, disguising as a Caitiff, for the Anarchs and Camarilla of New York City. He serves as Baron Torque's advisor. In 2024, he helps the Ravnos Kali track down her sire Reynard Cassel.


He remembers almost dying toward the end of World War II, somewhere along the Western Front, crawling out of a pile of corpses the next night. He assumed he was Embraced by a fellow soldier. He survived the Fall of London.

A calm, nondescript presence lurking in the background of any meeting involving both the Anarchs and the Camarilla, Pádraic Conroy easily assumes the mantle of mediator. Although disdained for his Caitiff provenience by the Ivory Tower figures, he not only serves as peacemaker, but also acts as advisor to Torque, the Baron of the Bronx. Uptight, taciturn, and surrounded by an air of mystery, Pádraic is tasked with shadowing Kali in her search for her missing sire, all the while skirting around his most private affairs. Pádraic harbors a secret: he is, in fact, a Malkavian, hiding his identity from the world to divert attention from the unique Voice that plagues his mind. He finds it easier to endure the scorn as a Caitiff than to navigate through the barrage of questions that would surely arise should his provenience come to light.

In 2022, he saves some vampires, mostly Anarchs and some Camarilla as well, and that brings him to New York, where he settles in with the Anarchs and Baron Torque. In 2024, during a Camarilla elysium meeting, he is assigned as the caretaker for the neonate Kali, to help bring her sire Reynard Cassel before the court.


Kali tries to get rid of her caretaker Pádraic but is taken to his haven after he saves her from Second Inquisition vampire hunters. He helps her to track Reynard, using his Anarch assets, including Mato Blomquist. After getting Kali's trust, he is taken by Mia Sorrento to see the Baron. After getting through Setite forces and helping infiltrate the Circulatory System, Pádraic assisted in saving the Court from the vampire hunters in their attack of the Elysium.

Pádraic would later try to steal the blood vial of the Ravnos Antediluvian from Kali to deliver to Vritra. Even in his injured form, he defeats her but the Voice stops him and Kali uses the opportunity to stake and leave him for the sun. Upon destruction, Pádraic feels himself joining the Malkavian Collective.


He is a history buff and a skilled peacemaker. Despite being a Malkavian and naturally suffering from inner voices, he claims to have one voice stronger than all others, which he calls simply "The Voice" or "other Voice" (presumably Caine's), but he seeks to subdue this one permanently.

