White Wolf Wiki

Ossian, son of Bane Slayer was a Homid Ahroun Fianna who lived during the Dark Ages. Despite being a warrior, his poetry was the envy of every Galliard in Ireland.


Ossian Son of Bane Slayer is a young Ahroun, poised to take the chieftainship of the Garou of Ulster. Ossian is a warrior, but his poetry is the envy of every Galliard of Ireland. Fair of face and even of temper, some say that he is without auspice. He is an exemplar of the Fianna, a representation of all that is good about Gaia's warriors. Thus he was chosen by a faerie curse, and thus he will be undone.

Ossian's sept carved out a harsh existence on the northern Donegal coast, fighting with human knights and vampiric incursions. The sept fought Black Spiral Dancers raiding from the sea, and the Witch of Connaught and her kin. Ossian distinguished himself in these battles, earning great renown and bearing his scars proudly.

On a night two winters ago, Ossian led his pack against the Witch of Connaught herself. The ancient vampire murdered half of his pack and left Ossian near death. In his delirium, he wandered the countryside half-blond and more than a little mad. Before his life had slipped away, he stumbled into a small glen nestled in the hills. Challenged by the faerie folk guarding the glen, he summoned what was left of his strength and Rage. He overcame them and collapsed, senseless, in the faerie forest.

He woke to cool hands and gentle whispers. The princess of that faerie realm had brought him back to life with her magical arts and care. Watching him sleep, sharing his dreams, sorrow and pain, she had fallen in love with him.

Ossian was proud. He would not fall under the faerie woman's glamour. He fled from that place and returned to his sept, but they knew something was wrong. The Theurges said he was "fairy touched" and refused to speak to him. Others questioned where his scars had gone. All wondered at what he had done for the year and a day that he had been missing. For Ossian, sleeping in the faerie glen, only one night had passed. Perhaps, he conceded, he had spent a few nights there. But no, a year and a day had gone by. The rest of his pack had chosen a new totem and a new leader. Alone, Ossian despaired. At night, he dreamed of the faerie woman. Dreams turned to obsession. Ossian was in love.

Ossian is destined to venture into that faerie wood once again, and destined to die alone and lost hundreds of years from now. Deep in his heart, he knows this. But he will not go quietly. He intends to fight this magic and the infatuation that threatens his sanity. He would scour the fae from the Earth if it could save him. His people, the Fianna, want no part in his conflict. Ossian is searching for allies, warriors who can fight to undo the curse.


Ossian is a tall, handsome man in his twenties with a broad, angular face. He wears his auburn hair long, and apart from a small tribal tattoo on his shoulder, he bears no other marking. A warrior, he had borne many scars, but now they are all gone. His eyes are bright green. He wears simple peasant clothes, but in battle he wears a dedicated red cloak.


He may be the same character as the anathema, Ossian.

