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Orphan-Grinder symbol

Orphan-Grinders are one of the Shades in Orpheus, one of the last revealed in the metaplot. Those who become Orphan-Grinders are former Spectres who have somehow had their humanity triggered, giving them Vitality and allowing them to separate themselves from the hive-mind. They still possess some Spectral contact if they so desire through their Horrors.

Orphan-Grinders may still possess some of the personality traits they had before they turned Spectre, but they are never as colorful or in-depth as they were before they fell into Spectredom. What drives all Orphan-Grinders is a sense of purpose to put a stop to Grandmother and the Spectres, either through destruction or redemption. Deviant, Monster, and Wretch are three examples of Natures that Orphan-Grinders tend to adapt following their return to being a ghost.

Orphan-Grinders are unique among the Shades for a number of reasons. Only spirits can become Orphan-Grinders, excluding all Projectors. Like regular spirits, Orphan-Grinders have an "evil twin" of sorts, which is called a Gemini instead of a Doppelganger. The Gemini is dependent on the Spite of the Orphan-Grinder and uses its Vitality as a mimicry. It owns the Orphan-Grinder’s former Horrors and is able to access Spectral Powers. The Orphan-Grinder and her Gemini lack the spiritual connection. They can't sense each other and the Gemini can't influence her conterpart's Spite.

Second, they have no Shade restrictions and can take any other Shades' Horror as desired. However, an Orphan-Grinder Horrors can't be learned by other Shades unless they become an Orphan-Grinder themselves.

Third, being an Orphan-Grinder is a changeable state. It is possible to shed their spite, except one, and return to being a regular ghost, in which case all Orphan-Grinder abilities and Horrors are stripped away and replaced with one of the other Horrors of their chosen Shade.

However, if an Orphan-Grinder again accumulates enough Spite to become a Spectre, it becomes a special breed known as a Lawgiver. Lawgivers are direct puppets of Grandmother, and have no memory of their former lives. Once an Orphan-Grinder becomes a Lawgiver, they have no chance of becoming a normal ghost again.

On the other hand, if they get rid of Spite completely, they Transcend, leaving the world of Orpheus behind.

Unlike many other Horrors, the Orphan-Grinder Horrors have no reflecting Arcanoi from Wraith: The Oblivion, at least not those accessible to player characters. They do, however, share many abilities in common with several Dark Arcanoi.


First-TierOblivion’s Husk: This ability allows an Orphan-Grinder to detect Spectres, camouflage themselves from them, or grow claws and carapace.

Second-TierHellion: An Orphan-Grinder can summon a Spectral horse using this ability.

Third-TierVector: Unlike Skinriding, an Orphan-Grinder can possess a ghost or Spectre using this ability.

Third-Tier (alternate, Orphan-Grinders p. 121)Song of the Hive: This Horror lets an Orphan-Grinder temporarily tap back into the Spectral hive-mind.

Fourth-TierSalvation: Using this ability, an Orphan-Grinder can infuse a Spectre with Vitality and reduce their Spite to turn them into an Orphan-Grinder.

Crucible Horror: None

Orphan-Grinder Horrors don’t have Benefits.

Manifestation Forms[]

Zero Vitality: Appears as a rolling black cloud of smoke or grayish mist.

One Vitality: Appears as an oozing, oily puddle, which can assume human form.

Two Vitality: Fully human, with a sad or withdrawn appearance. Will avoid crossing shadows in this form out of superstition.


Orpheus Shades
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