White Wolf Wiki

The Order of the Lioness is a faction of the Knights of the Red Branch that supports Queen Mab of House Fiona as High Queen.


Red Branch

While it may seem strange that a claimant for the throne exists who isn't in the immediate royal circle, Queen Mab has a strong following because Tara-Nar rests in her Kingdom plus she symbolizes both tradition and stability. Fiona Knights of the Red Branch have flocked to her and the Kingdom of Apples with the obvious passion of their House. Her supporters point to her proven ability to rule and her support of High King David's fair dealings with all fae, both low or high born. They claim that the other three claimants have no experience and cannot maneuver among the veteran rulers of Concordia the way she can while holding the hearts of the commoners.

While Queen Mab's assumption of Princess Lenore's guardianship under the tradition of Fosterage does not endear her to Morwen, it places her close to the appointed heir and could put her in a position as competition for Regent.


  1. CTD. War in Concordia: The Shattered Dream, p. 32.