White Wolf Wiki

The Order of the Four-Cornered Seal is a group of Eastern alchemists that likely was founded in third-century China.


Pain is the path to eternity.

Born of a group that considered the strange essence of a Promethean to be the only reason it could survive, given its wildly out-of-balance humours, the Seal's alchemists have since come to believe that immortality is born, ultimately, out of the right sort of imbalance. As such, they consider balance to be the enemy, turning themselves into rather ghoulish characters in the process.

The majority of China's alchemists shun the Seal, believing them to be sick of mind, and once upon a time had entirely driven them off. Though the Seal's alchemists have since returned, they are still lesser in number in their former homeland than they are elsewhere in Asia and in the West.

