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Order Book: Michaelites is a English translated sourcebook for the Engel RPG from Feder & Schwert.


From White Wolf Quarterly's Sword & Sorcery Insider Spring 2003 Volume 1.2:

Those Who Are Like God

Nowhere in Europe is the Lord's creative power more apparent than in Roma Æterna, the Eternal City. Vast avenues, giant monuments, luxurious palaces and artistic gardens dominate the cityscape. But such splendor pales in comparison to the Michaelite Heaven. From within this titanic angelic on the Abruzzes' soft slopes, where the Angelitic Church recreates the Garden of Eden, the purest of orders reigns supreme.

And Their Stronghold of Power

Order Book: Michaelites is a key sourcebook for Engel, Europe's finest roleplaying game - now in English! Two books for the price of one, it reveals both the inner structures of the angelic Michaelites and the status of 27th-century Italy. Discover secrets within the hidden archives of Roma Æterna that could tear the Angelitic Church asunder. Learn what it's like to speak with thee voice of the Lord - to be a messenger of His will and to relay His orders to fellow angels.

Background Information[]

The German book is listed on DrivethruRPG as Ordensbuch: Michaeliten.

Previous release:
Engel: Creatures of the Dreamseed Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
Game Books
Engel books
Next release:
Engel: Order Book: Gabrielites (Cancelled)