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On a Darkling Plain is a Vampire: The Masquerade and Vampire: The Eternal Struggle novel.


From the Back Cover:

Grief-stricken over the mysterious death of his beloved wife, the vampire known as Elliott Sinclair is sinking into lethargy and despair.
When a mysterious enemy assails his people, he rouses himself to command the defense, only to discover that he and his clan are merely pawns in a deadly game between two ancient undead. It is a duel that has raged since the dawn of civilization. And the unseen puppet master who has secretly guided the destiny of Elliott and his friends is willing to sacrifice every piece on the chessboard in order to checkmate her opponent.
On A Darkling Plain is a paperback World of Darkness novel and a tale of the Jyhad, the age-old clandestine war among vampires that has shaped the course of human and vampire history. Richard Lee Byers is the author of numerous short stories and ten previously published novels, and has contributed to several White Wolf Publishing anthologies as well as writing the recent World of Darkness novel Caravan of Shadows.
Includes a redeemable coupon for free Vampire: The Eternal Struggle collectible game card!


  • Prologue: Calamities
  • One: The Pariah
  • Two: The Prognosis
  • Three: The Methuselah
  • Four: Deliberations
  • Five: First Blood
  • Six: The Warning
  • Seven: The Rescue
  • Eight: The Hunter
  • Nine: The Anarchs
  • Ten: Questions, Sorrows and Doubts
  • Eleven: The Hunt Begins
  • Twelve: The Next Move
  • Thirteen: Comrades
  • Fourteen: The Samedi
  • Fifteen: The Traitor
  • Sixteen: Wyatt
  • Seventeen: Reporting In
  • Eighteen: The Conclave
  • Nineteen: The Ordeal
  • Twenty: The Promise
  • Twenty-One: The Avenger
  • Twenty-Two: Misgivings
  • Twenty-Three: Deduction
  • Twenty-Four: Camelot
  • Twenty-Five: Minor Duty
  • Twenty-Six: The Delivery
  • Twenty-Seven: Dracula
  • Twenty-Eight: Information
  • Twenty-Nine: Revelations
  • Thirty: The Warning
  • Thirty-One: The Invasion
  • Thirty-Two: The Reunion
  • Thirty-Three: Forsaken
  • Thirty-Four: Persuasion
  • Thirty-Five: End Game
  • Epilogue: Partings
  • Richard Lee Byers Biography
  • Free Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Card Redemption Coupon

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]

"Roger's subjects all love him, and we don't even have werewolves hereabouts, although I hear that's a pack in Tampa." - Pg. 41

Taking out a bottle of blood, he put it in the microwave. "Miller time," he said, winking at Dan. "At least I think the guy said his name was Miller. When the stuff warms up, we'll pass it around." - Pg. 105

"If Sarasota is under siege," drawled Malachi Jones, exhaling a blue plume of smoke, "perhaps I should point out that Pablo scarcely has an unblemished record as a military commander. He and his brood recently lost a battle to a band of Lupines led by a renegade Kindred, sustaining heavy casualties and ultimately losing their haven." - Pg. 230


  • Elliott Sinclair - Toreador Primogen and Elder
  • Catherine Cobb - Female Ventrue
  • Otis McNamara - Brujah
  • Prince Roger Phillips - Toreador Prince of Sarasota, Florida; Elliott's Sire
  • Mary Sinclair - Female Toreador and Elliott's Wife, Destroyed
  • Lazlo - Mortal, Roger's Personal Dresser and Valet, Non-Ghoul
  • Amanda - Female Toreador, childe neonate to Prince Roger
  • Forbes - Mortal, Police Sergeant, Died
  • Ryan - Mortal, Police Officer, Died
  • Julie - Mortal, Forbes' Wife
  • Mattie Purvis - Mortal, Mr. Bronson's Assistant
  • Mr. Bronson - Mortal, In charge of the Aquarium
  • Dan Murdock, "The Wicked Man" - Caitiff
  • Lionel Potter - Caitiff
  • Pierre Delacroix - Mortal, Haitian painter, Died
  • Melpomene - Female Toreador Methuselah
  • Judith Morgan, "Judy" - Female Brujah Primogen and Elder
  • Schuyller Madison, "Sky" - Toreador Primogen and Elder
  • Gunter Schmidt - Malkavian Primogen and Elder, Scott's Sire
  • Karen - Female Toreador
  • Dmitri - Toreador, Roger's Childe
  • Scott - Malkavian, Gunter's Brood
  • Philo - Brujah
  • Alice - Female Toreador
  • Glen - Toreador
  • Rosalita - Female Toreador, Roger's Childe, Destroyed
  • Wyatt Vandercar - Tremere Anarch, Pretends to be a Ventrue, Destroyed
  • Angus - Gangrel Elder and Justicar from Alaska
  • Laurie Tipton - Female Anarch, Destroyed
  • Toby - Toreador
  • D.L. Hicks - Mortal, Animal Trainer
  • Cassius - Ghoul driver for the Anarchs
  • Felipe - Anarch
  • Salvador Garcia - Mentioned
  • Jimmy Ray - Anarch
  • Darrell Burroughs - Mortal, Roger's novelist friend, Died
  • Tithonys, "Timothy Baxter" - Tremere Methuselah
  • Palmer Guice - Ventrue Justicar
  • Malachi Jones - Ventrue Prince of Tampa Bay
  • Gilbert Duane - Malkavian Prince of Miami
  • Pablo Velasquez - Malkavian Primogen of Tampa Bay
  • François - Gilbert's vassal, Samedi
  • Sebastian Durrell - Tremere Elder, Regent of Louisville
  • Malagigi - Wyatt's Homunculus, Died
  • Timothy Baxter - Vampire
  • Lady Wetherill - Female Tremere, Louisville
  • Abd al-Azrad - Mortal, Medieval writer of the Al Azif
  • Sesostris - Wraith trapped in a Mummy-like Body, Former Mage
  • Beggar Lord - Mentioned by Sesostris
  • Kamose - Mortal, Past
  • Ellen Dunn - Outcast Female Mage, Murderess, "The Dracula"
  • Wesley Shue - Tremere
  • Count of the Wasteland - Fallen Angel that Tithonys serves
  • Aleister Crowley - Mentioned
  • Walter - Brujah, New Primogen to Sarasota


Al Azif (Tome), Anarch, Anarch Free State, Anarch Movement, Antediluvian, Apophis, Archon, Athens (FL), Aura, Baton Rouge, Bayshore Road, Beast, Black Hand, Blood Bond/Blood Bound, Blood Hunt, Bloodline, Brood, Brujah, Buenos Aires, Caine, Cainite, Caitiff, Calgary, California, Camarilla, Camelot (Theme Park; Elfland, Enchanted Forest of Arden, Firedrake, The Fisher King's Feast, Lady of the Lake, Mordred's Haunted Castle, Round Table Burger Bar and Pizzeria, Sir Lancelot's Tourney, Stonehenge Lot), Caribbean, Castile, Chantry, Childe/Childer, Clan, Columbus, Conclave, Coven, Dayton, Demon, Diablerie, Diabolist, Domain, Dominate, "Dracula Murders", Drury Lane, Elder, Elysium, Embrace, England, Europe, Fallen Angel, Familiar, Fledgling, Florida, France, Frenzy, Gangrel, Generation, Ghoul, Giant's Blood, Greece, Gulf of Mexico, Haight, Haven, Hellas, Hollywood, Homunculus, Humanitas, Hunger, Inner Circle, Inner Council of Seven, Inquisition, Jamestown, Justicar, Jyhad, Kentucky, Kindred, Kine, Little Haiti, Little Havana, London, Longboat Key (Island), Louisville, Louvre, Lupine, Mage/Magi, Malkavian, Manatee County, Marseilles, Masquerade, Methuselah, Miami, Mummy, Neonate, "Nicoll, Hawke, Sommers & Antczak, Attorneys At Law", Normandy, North America, North Carolina, Nosferatu, Ohio, Orlando, Pablo's (Restaurant), Pack (WTA), Paris, Pompeii, Pontifex, Port-au-Prince, Primogen, Prince, Progeny, Raleigh, Ravnos, Sabbat, Saigon, Samedi, Sarasota, Sarasota-Bradenton Municipal Airport, Sarasota Performing Arts Center, Seattle, Sect, Shroud, Siesta Key, Sire, Society of Leopold, Spirit, St. Louis, Stygia, Tampa, Tampa Bay, Toreador, Tradition, Tremere, Tropical Gardens, Two Kingdoms, Vampire, Vassal, Venice, Ventrue, Vienna, Vietnam, Vitae, Werewolves, Williamsburg, Witch Hunters, Wraith, Ybor City,

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