Olivia Makiko Oe is a Seelie House Liam Troll living in Tokyo.
Oe is a Japanese-American whose parents work in the U.S. Embassy. She awoke to her changeling nature while at boarding school and somehow managed not to succumb to Banality in the midst of it all. After graduation, Olivia persuaded her parents to let her work for a while before she attended college. Because she has an affinity for history, she applied for, and won, a post as interpreter at the Shitamachi Museum. Oe flourishes amid the recreations of Tokugawa and Meiji homes and factories, soaking in the Glamour generated by those Japanese eager to make a close connection with their pasts.
She gets along very well with the chu-ih-yu who love in the area; her innate sense of justice matches theirs, and she helps explain the peculiarities of Western life and thought that beat on the judgments they make when resolving hsien disputes. Olvia can never be accepted as truly one of the hsien, but she comes as close to acceptance as any Westerner can.
Recently, Oe detected signs of the cultivated dreams of alternate Japans, and she believes that they're responsible for the strange mental and spiritual disturbances afflicting shen who sleep in the park. She seeks to gather other changelings living in Tokyo to explore the matter more thoroughly.
Oe stands out even in her human seeming, at nearly six feet in height with a willowy figure that suggests art of the Kamakura era. But rather than possessing the somber mien of an aristocratic lady, Oe wears a bright smile. She's far more outgoing than her Japanese customers. She wears the conservative uniform of a museum docent while on the job. In her off-hours, Olivia favors bright colors and exotic designs, more in keeping with Hibaya teen nonconformists than with the usually placid hsien culture. She avoids creating too scandalous a wardrobe by incorporating traditional motifs and styles copied from the museum's exhibits. In troll form, Oe towers over almost all hsien, and she would be a menacing figure if she weren't so cheery.
Shitamachi Museum, Ueno Park.
Oe knows a great deal about the lives (and unlives) of Tokyo's hsien. They have a difficult time, as the Technocrats hate creatures who inspire wonder and discontent with the beautiful toys the Zaibatsu offer humanity. Oe does what she can behind the scenes to run interference against these nuisance mages.
Still small, but rising steadily among the hsien as they realized the skill and dedication she brings to her work.
Court: Seelie
Legacies: Sage/Troubadour
House: Liam
Seeming: Wilder
Kith: Troll
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 1, Empathy 3, Persuasion 3
Skills: Crafts 3, Etiquette 4, Leadership 2, Performance 3, Security 1
Knowledges: Computer 1, Investigation 3, Lore 4, Politics 1, Science 1
Arts: Primal 1, Soothsay 1, Sovereign 1
Realms: Fae 3, Scene 2, Time 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Resources 2
Glamour: 5
Banality: 2
Willpower: 4
- WOD: World of Darkness: Tokyo, p. 72-73