Oliver "Bloodhorn" Kress is an Unseelie Satyr Grump totally opposed to the Sidhe.
Oliver Kress was a street cop with a taste for mystery and occult novels when the flood of Glamour associated with the Resurgence caused his Chrysalis. A long-time protector of innocents, he was horrified by the Night of Iron Knives massacre and the Accordance War. Though he believed in authority and discipline, he knows it belongs to those who earn the right to wield it. The actions of the sidhe made them singularly unworthy of the supremacy they claim. He fell in with rebellious elements of the Unseelie Court and joined the Ranters, an organization devoted to tearing down sidhe rule.
Little is known about Oliver's appearance other than that he is a satyr. Some who speak to him mention brief flashes of expensive clothing, but he wears a chimerical black cloak that magically wraps him in shadows and keeps others from seeing him clearly. Only the occasional flash of hooves and the small points his horns make in the cloak's hood betray his kith. His horns are rumored to be dark red in color, adding creedence to the stories that he spent a lot of time with redcaps when he was younger.
Kress plots and schemes for the day when the sidhe will learn they are not the natural rulers of the fae. Commoners handled their affairs perfectly well for centuries without them and their return brought nothing but pain and suffering. He will stop at nothing to see his goals accomplished and there is a lot of blood on his hands. He has a hard time trying to remain calm when trying to convince others that they should help his cause; his satyr blood runs hot and this anger runs away with him if he thinks about the wrongs of the sidhe for too long. He doesn't take well to being denied and he always remembers those who refuse him, especially if they serve the sidhe.
Court: Unseelie
Legacies: Beast/Paladin
House: Commoner (The Ranters)
Seeming: Grump
Kith: Satyr
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 4, Kenning 1, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Search 3, Security 3, Stealth 4
Knowledges: Gremayre 2, Investigation 2, Occult 3
Arts: Chicanery 4, Legerdemain 4, Wayfare 5
Realms: Actor 3, Fae 5, Props 3, Scene 2
Backgrounds: Chimera 3, Contacts 3, Resources 3, Treasure 3
Glamour: 6
Banality: 8
Willpower: 8
- CTD: Book of Lost Dreams, p. 56-57