Ocyrus Pristis is a Seelie sea bass Pooka Grump on the Carolina coast in the Kingdom of Willows.
An interesting old grump, Ocyrus is a pooka with an affinity for the sea bass. He has earned his fame by championing the coastal waters and salt marshes along the coast of the Carolinas. Many drug runners, coming up from South America and Mexico use this area to deliver cocaine and other illicit drugs to the mainland. With little regard for the local wildlife, these criminals slip in under the cover of night in boats that would barely meet Coast Guard inspection standards. Leaks of gasoline and oil from these vessels taint the coastal waters. Their night deliveries disturb the vegetation and the wildlife that leads a primarily nocturnal existence.
Ocyrus has a home on the shore near the border between North and South Carolina. He spends a good deal of time in his animal mien, patrolling the Atlantic coastline. He spies on ships and, via clever cantrips and more direct means, he arranges for them to be captured by the authorities. Though he is Seelie, he has absolutely no qualms about injuring or even killing these men who so maliciously endanger the creatures of the marshes. Ocyrus doesn’t even particularly care that they’re running drugs. It just really torques him off that they abuse his habitat for their own profit and gain.
Rumor has it that Ocyrus was actually female as a childling. Many of his fellow changelings remember this time. His name, back then, was Ocyra. Although no one would ever dare tease Ocyrus about it, they all joke behind his back about his sex change. He hears the murmurings, but ignores them. For him, the transition was gradual and perfectly normal. Like the fish of his affinity, the switch from female to male occurred over an extended period of time. Unfortunately for Ocyrus, his mortal body did not change. This has left him as a man in a woman’s body. His mortal seeming has taken on all the outward appearances of being a man, but no matter how much he would like it to be otherwise, his mortal genitalia remain female. The humans in the area where he lives know him as the “lesbian in the marshes.”
Ocyrus’ Pooka-ese comes out as a grumbled mumble that few people can understand. Even when he’s alone, he’s usually rumbling to himself about something or other. He never raises his voice and he rarely enunciates, unless he has something very important to relay. Though what he says is usually the truth, it is so difficult to understand his mush-mouth ramblings that people either give up or they take what they think they comprehend and fill in the blanks, usually mistakenly.
- CTD. Kithbook: Pooka, p. 67.