White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

World of Darkness Events[]

  • 1850
    • Paris newspaper Presse publishes an article by M. Jules Allix, regarding the discovery of inventor M. Jacques Toussaint Benoit and his friend in America M. Biat-Chretien, of a new system of instantaneous thought communication utilizing snails and their connection to the "galvano-terrestrial-magnetic-animal and adamic force."[2]
  • 2003
    • Ohio State University becomes a battleground in the afternoon as two groups of assailants engage in a running gun battle, lasting a full eight hours. Witnesses also report a variety of sights, including such fanciful beings as dragons and elves. No sign of such beasts are uncovered after the battle ends, but authorities are reportedly at a loss as to the motives or identities of the combatants. Those arrested at the scene are seemingly suffering from acute amnesia and deny any memory of a battle, much less any fairy tale monsters. Sixteen people die during the violence.[3]


October 26 October October 28