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Obligation is a Soul Discipline that allows a Kuei-jin to exert control over others. It is a callback to the glory of the ancient Wan Xian and their authority that stemmed from a mandate from the August Personage In Jade himself. While the Kuei-jin have lost this favor and the Wheel of Ages grinds away at Heaven's mandate, some still manage to use their Hun to inspire or dominate the spirits of those around them.

Obligation can not affect a being with a higher Dharma or Hun rating than the user possesses.

Official Abilities[]

Included below are the official powers described in the Kindred of the East Rulebook and the Kindred of the East Companion. Sources are described below in the order they were printed.

Standard Powers[]

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    • Evaluate: The Kuei-jin scans the Hun of his opposite to discern weaknesses
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    • Soul Bridge: The Kuei-jin can link his Hun with the Hun of his opposite, allowing him to appear more trustworthy to it.
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    • Authority: By exerting his Hun, the Kuei-jin can assume an aura of natural authority that affects everyone near to him. These creatures also find themselves unable to lie to the Kuei-jin. In the eyes of affected individuals, the Kuei-jin is a person of rank and importance; victims obey him with little thought as to why. Most mortals don't even realize that the Cathayan's authority is supernatural, although wise ancients might suspect, and shen certainly know.
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    • Thousand Hell Stare: This power enables the wielder to channel all his guilt, frustration, anger, and hunger into his Hun soul and then project this negative psychic energy like a knife into his victim's soul.
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    • Soul Shackles: The Kuei-jin can create permanent bonds between his Hun and the Hun of another person.

Advanced Powers[]

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    • Taming the Fire: The Kuei-jin can command and redirect a Kuei-jin in Fire- or Wave Soul.
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    • Corrupt the Will: The Kuei-jin can reduce the temporary Willpower of his opposite
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    • Voice of the Emperor: With this power, a Kuei-jin can sway the opinions and actions of a crowd of mortals — as many as can hear him (without the aid of any electronic amplification equipment). Those who listen to the Kuei-jin believe what he says, and will be strongly inclined to do as he commands.
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    • Divine Fetters: The Kuei-jin can broaden his command of Authority to include other Shen.


^  Level 1

Evaluate Kindred of the East Rulebook Pg. 124

^  Level 2

Soul Bridge Kindred of the East Rulebook Pg. 125

^  Level 3

Authority Kindred of the East Rulebook Pg. 125

^  Level 4

Thousand Hell Stare Kindred of the East Rulebook Pg. 126

^  Level 5

Soul Shackles Kindred of the East Rulebook Pg. 126

^  Level 6

Taming the Fire Kindred of the East Companion Pg. 88

^  Level 7

Corrupt the Will Kindred of the East Companion Pg. 88

^  Level 8

Voice of the Emperor Kindred of the East Companion Pg. 88

^  Level 9

Divine Fetters Kindred of the East Companion Pg. 88

Kindred of the East Disciplines


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Chi Arts:

Equilibrium · Feng Shui · Tapestry · Yang Prana · Yin Prana

Soul Disciplines:

Chi'iu Muh · Cultivation · Internalize · Mibasham · Obligation · Tzu Wei

Demon Arts:

Black Wind · Demon Shintai · Hellweaving · Iron Mountain · Kiai

Bile Shintai:

Balefire Shintai · Decay Shintai · Disease Shintai · Poison Shintai · Radiation Shintai

Godbodies of the Fourth Age:

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Prayer-Eating . Inward Way. Tempest of Inward Focus
