The Oath of Escheat is the Oath a Liege lord or lady makes to a vassal.
I take you as my vassal. You are of my house, even as the very stones. I pledge to hold you, to guard you, and to keep you. I pledge to honor your service as it deserves and to reward loyalty in kind. As the moon to the seas below, my will to yours. I pledge the Escheat to you.
With the words of this oath, a liege lord or lady formally accepts another fae as a vassal. The oath is spoken usually in conjunction with the Oath of Fealty but not always.
When the oath is spoken, the speaker loses one Glamour point and a chimerical gold coin stamped with his or her visage appears in their hand. The oath is actually not binding until the oath maker offers the coin and the vassal accepts it. Failure to stand by the oath shows a fall from the ways of true fae honor and gives the oathbreaker a point of Banality. Anyone bound by and following the terms of the oath, even if to only one vassal, gains an extra point of Willpower every week.