The Oakland People's Front is a ragtag alliance of kithain in Oakland united against Queen Aeron and her rule.

This ragtag group of fae only shows any real solidarity when they are facing external pressure. Once the latest outrage of the court is old news they are back at each others' throats. Some say it is more of a loose-knit tribal organization than anything and the various bands do tend to stick to their own turf and will shun or even attack their own allies who don't respect their little fiefdoms.
Perhaps the most powerful group in the alliance are the Happy Jacks, a loose affiliation of Eshu and Satyrs who control the Inner Harbor. Their major competitors for power are the redcaps who call themselves the Kleggers, the Greylady Sluagh of Alameda, and the Spyz (composed of trolls, eshu, and nockers.) of West Oakland. If these groups were left to their own devices they would probably destroy each other but one fae has arisen who can bring them all together, if only for brief times: Sir Blade, an unseelie eshu of uncommon charisma.
- CTD. Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, p. 92.