White Wolf Wiki

Oaken Pankowski is one of the Imbued, who posts on hunter-net as Healer115.


Oaken and his wife Leaf ran a web design business from their home when they were Imbued; he also worked as a massage therapist, which inspired his hunter-net name. They had visions of a monster attacking someone near their home, and arrived at the scene in time to prevent the attack.[1] Jared Shoemaker described them as looking like "two fat hippies."[2] As far as anyone knew, they were the only married couple to be Imbued at the same time.[3]

About six months after they began hunting, they encountered an infant who had been Embraced. Leaf believed the baby could be saved, but Oaken destroyed it, leading her to file for divorce. Oaken refused to sign the papers, however.[3]

Oaken went to see Leaf again and saw her meeting with John Coaler, a former hunter in the thrall of Vassago. He tried to scare Coaler off, but Leaf caused a scene and embarrassed him.[4] Later, Oaken went to Leaf's apartment with a shotgun, prepared to kill Coaler, and Coaler shot him in the stomach.[5]


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