White Wolf Wiki

A Numen (plural Numina) is a supernatural power possessed by ghosts, spirits, qashmallim and some other types of supernatural creature.

Ghost Numina

Ghosts manifest numina based on their age: older ghosts will have a number of numina while the recently dead will have fewer.

World of Darkness Rulebook

  • Animal Control: The ghost is able to dominate and control an animal for a scene.
  • Clairvoyance: Temporarily taking over a mortal's voice, the ghost can speak through them.
  • Compulsion: The ghost is able to force mortals to bend to their will.
  • Ghost Sign: The ghost is able to create messages in malleable media.
  • Ghost Speech: The ghost is able to speak directly to mortals when it manifests.
  • Magnetic Disruption: The ghost's presence causes electronic equiment to malfunction and distort.
  • Phantasm: With Essence, the ghost can create illusory images.
  • Possession: The ghost is able to take control of a living human being temporarily.
  • Telekinesis: The ghost is able to manipulate physical objects as though they had a physical set of hands.
  • Terrify: When the ghost manifests, it strikes terror in the hearts of onlookers.

Mummy: The Curse

  • Dead Eyes:
  • Dead Skin:
  • Flight of Shadows:
  • Hallowed Passion:
  • Impassioned Soul:
  • Inspiration:
  • Intruder:
  • Lucid Dead:
  • Maddening:
  • Old Soul:
  • Phantom Arsenal:
  • Pyrokinesis:
  • Regeneration:
  • Revenant:
  • Siphon:
  • Spectral Toughness:
  • Spirit Prowess:
  • Stalker:
  • Stolen Pillars:
  • Twilight Abduction:
  • Untethered:
  • Will From Power:

Spirit Numina

Spirits gain numina based on their power level, with newly self-aware spirits having only a few Numina and extremely powerful spirits having many.

Werewolf: The Forsaken

In Werewolf games, spirits can also use Gifts as Numina.

  • Blast: The spirit can strike opponents at a distance.
  • Chorus: The spirit can talk to any spirits from its own choir in the area.
  • Claim: A more powerful form of possession, the spirit can permanently inhabit a body.
  • Discorporation: The spirit can voluntarily discorporate and reform elsewhere.
  • Fetter: The spirit can inhabit an object without the need to materialize.
  • Gauntlet Breach: The spirit can push through the Gauntlet like the Uratha.
  • Harrow: The spirit can cripple opponents with a particular emotion.
  • Living Fetter: The spirit can fetter itself into a living being instead of an inanimate object.
  • Materialize: The spirit can abruptly shift from Twilight to the material world.
  • Material Vision: The spirit can briefly look through the Gauntlet from the Shadow Realm.
  • Possession: The spirit can temporarily take control of a living being.
  • Reaching: The spirit can use Numina through the Gauntlet into the material realm.
  • Wilds Sense: The spirit can sense other spirits and locations in its immediate area.

Mage: The Awakening

In Mage games, spirits can also use spells as Numina. This book also contains Blast, Claim, Discorporation, Fetter, Gauntlet Breach, Harrow, Living Fetter, Materialize, Material Vision, Reaching, and Wilds Sense as well as the following.

  • Innocuous: The spirit is very easily overlooked.
  • Soul Snatch: This Numen is somewhat the opposite of Claim; the spirit takes possession of the mortal's soul instead of their body.

Qashmallim Numina

