Real-life Events[]
- 2002
- Released:
- VTM: State of Grace
- WTA: Tribebook: Shadow Lords
- MTAs: Manifesto: Transmissions from the Rogue Council
- DTF: Demon: The Fallen Dice
- SL: Serpent Amphora 2: The Serpent & the Scepter
- DTF: Lucifer's Shadow
- WTA: Tribe Novel 7: Black Spiral Dancers & Wendigo
- MP: Skreyn's Register: The Bonds of Magic
- EQ: EverQuest: Monsters of Norrath
- VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade — Calebros
- Released:
- 2005
- Philippe R. Boulle's final day at White Wolf. Phil has gotten engaged to his significant other, and is moving up to Vancouver to work at Relic Entertainment.
World of Darkness Events[]
- 1995
- Xadreque Machado writes to Cornelius Balt excitedly about how he had never considered that possibility. He requests further thoughts on the Umbral Courts.[1]
- ↑ MTAs: The Book of Madness Revised, p. 114
November 24 | November | November 26 |