Real-life Events[]
- 1971
- Frederick Yelk is born.
- 2007
- Released:
- 2012
- Released:
- 2018
- Released:
World of Darkness Events[]
- 1989
- Andrew Greene makes an oral presentation on being a Technician in a Genegineer production lab. Rob still isn't in class; Mary Beth says his answering machine is full, and his car wasn't at home. When she came in to school, it was still in the school's parking lot.[1]
- 1995
- Xedreque Machado congratulates Cornelius Balt on his excellent interpretation, and asks for more details on the politics of the Umbrood.[2]
- 2003
- WTOJ broadcasts an intercept from a more mundane source, alt.conspiracies. The poster writes how it rained hundreds of frogs last week in Alexandria; snakes slithered up through the ground in North Africa three days ago, and earlier today reports of swarms of locusts began to drift into various news organizations in Egypt. The poster wonders why the news isn't making it to North America.[3]
Trinity Universe Events[]
- 1999
- Japan announces Saisho, "The New Beginning," a series of government subsidies designed to employ novas in high-tech industries. The Japanese government agrees to pay for companies to hire novas for research and development purposes, in hopes that new technologies will salvage Japan's economy. The project is a rousing success, and within a decade Japan regains its position as the premier developer of new technologies.[4][5]
- As part of the Saisho program, the Japanese government unveils its national superteam, Nippontai.[6][7]
- 2113
- Marking the end of decades of persecution of Christianity in China, the Chinese State Cuoncil stated it is lifting the restrictions on Roman Catholics in Asia. The announcement came after a power struggle between Ministry of Noetic Affairs Rebecca Bue Li and elements of the conservative wing of the Chinese government. In her native Philippines, Bue Li was Catholic, although she has since left the Church.[10]
- 2118
- Craig Bartholomew of Proteus Division makes a report regarding Norça movements. He identifies common gathering places around the globe, and notes that the Norça have an intense interest in Nippon.[11]
- ↑ MTAs: Technocracy: Progenitors, p. 22
- ↑ MTAs: The Book of Madness Revised, p. 114
- ↑ Aberrant: Aberrant Rulebook, p. 10
- ↑ Aberrant: Aberrant: Underworld, p. 52
- ↑ Aberrant: Aberrant Rulebook
- ↑ Aberrant: Aberrant Players Guide, p. 151
- ↑ Aberrant: Aberrant Rulebook, p. 11
- ↑ Aberrant: Aberrant Storytellers Screen, p. 1
- ↑ Trinity: Trinity Rulebook, p. 94
- ↑ Trinity: Trinity Rulebook, p. 56
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