White Wolf Wiki

Nippontai is Japan's government-sponsored nova team, a symbol of Saisho.


The government had several goals in establishing a Japanese national nova team. First and foremost, they were concerned about losing Japanese novas to Project Utopia or other foreign organizations. The Japanese people also needed a moral boost after the devastating economic crash of 1999, and there were undeniable practical benefits to employing novas in various sectors of the economy. The team was the perfect symbol of Saisho, Japan's "New Beginning."

Members of Nippontai benefit from generous salaries, a full administrative staff, and a headquarters in a Tokugawa-era castle outside Osaka.


The active roster of Nippontai includes:

  • Kou ("Phoenix"), a telepath and telekinetic, the leader of the team (despite grumbling from some corporate sponsors who would prefer to see a man in charge).
  • Asahi ("Rising Sun"), who can project superheated plasma from his hands and eyes.
  • Naginata, who channels electricity through her namesake weapon
  • Kyojin ("Giant"), a nova with the ability to grow to immense size
  • Tenshi ("Angel"), the team's scout and messenger, who can fly at supersonic speeds on fiery wings
  • Denshi ("Electron"), a technopath who gathers information for Nippontai and (it is rumored) for certain Japanese corporations.
  • Miko, a Shinto priestess who erupted with ESP and intermittent visions of the future. She complements Denshi as Nippontai's intelligence arm.
  • Kagemusha ("Shadow Warrior") has the power to control darkness and shadow, and serves a espionage/infiltration role for the team. He also lends his services to the Directive from time to time.

In addition, Tama is a former member who left Nippontai to become an elite, much to the chagrin of his teammates and the Japanese government. Ku-rashi was killed by an elite while fighting arms dealers in the South China Sea; his killer remains at large, and some conspiracy theorists believe his death may be connected to the death of Jennifer "Slider" Landers of Team Tomorrow.

