White Wolf Wiki

The Night of Rage was a moment in the early anarchists' movement that led to the first moments of the anarchists' war against the Chicago Camarilla.


In what has become known among Cainites across the country as the Night of Rage, the whole situation changed.

The problems started when Balthazar went looking for a neonate Brujah rumored to have entered the city several days earlier. The prince's enforcer had no luck finding the newcomer but did stumble onto a group of Brujah gathering in Lincoln Park. Afraid that they were plotting against Prince Lodin, Balthazar and his Ventrue assistants attacked, slaying two of the Brujah.

Unknown to the Ventrue, these Brujah were a major reason the city had not already erupted. Members of a band called Urban Sprawl, these vegetaries had become a leading force among the anarchs because of the popularity of their music. They counseled nonviolence as a way for the Kindred to solve their many problems but found their pacifism no match for Balthazar's brutality.

The anarchs responded to the atrocity with a ferocity that shook Kindred society to its roots. Battles raged across the rooftops and through the sewers of the giant city. The elders were not safe, even in Elysium, and some were hunted back to their havens. By the end of the week, more than a dozen on either side had been destroyed or forced into torpor.

Soon, the worst of the fighting had ended, but the war had come out of the shadows once and for all.


VTM: Chicago by Night P. 18

VTM: Chicago by Night Second Edition P. 22
