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White Wolf Night Edition Number 19, mislabeled as "Number 9", is a newsletter printed on poster stock and published in October 16, 2000. It is also a fold-out poster for Werewolf: The Apocalyse Revised.



News, Events and The Last Generation of Warriors. Born Free!


Welcome to the brand spankin' new Night Edition. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Talon Dunning and the other great folks in White Wolf's Production Department, the once-upon-a-time rave and rant rag has become something really cool. So take a look, note the changes, and then dig in, 'cause we got a lot to talk about! All this and a poster too. Who loves ya?

Werewolf: The Apocalypse[]

Spirits of the Hunt[]

An Except from Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised

I am the stranger here. I feel clumsy and heavy, thick with substance and form, unable to be who I am. Though my muscles are strong and sleek, they feel like chains. In this place, I am like the fattened human who turns from his television and tries to run, but feels the years of neglect bear him down. I am unable to let go of my body, to let my soul... no, my spirit, roam free. My instincts howl, and I try to stop thinking, to just be... to release the caged passions that rail within my heart. To step beyond the confines of mortality, and to enter the place of truth. To finally come home.

We are spirits of the hunt, embodiments of emotion, bearers of ancient meaning and truth. Our breaths are religion. Our actions are timeless. We fight today as we did millennia ago. We bleed as we did millen-nia ago. Today we are born anew. We are not tired; we are hungry. We are oppressed, and we rage. We live our passions. Our struggle is that of life itself. We keep meaning in the world. Now is the hour of the spirit, the moment of our dawn. We are lords of the unseen kingdom. This is our home, taken from us.

New Charms[]
  • Blast: This Charm allows the spirit to direct its Rage at opponents from a distance. Depending on the spirit, this may take different forms. Some spirits send burst of fire at their targets, while others use glass, lightning and even swarms of insects. The spirit inflicts its Rage in dice of aggravated damage. The Storyteller does not need to roll to hit. However, this attack drains a point of Essence from the spirit.
  • Materialize: This Charm lets a spirit take physical form on Earth. To use Materialize, the spirit must have a Gnosis score equal to or greater than the area's Gauntlet rating. A spirit's physical form appears just as it does in the Umbra. The spirit's Gnosis rating is used for all Social and Mental rolls. Stamina and Dexterity rolls use the spirit's Willpower as a dice pool; Strength uses Rage. all rules for Spirit Traits in the Umbra apply to the physical world. Materialized spirits don't have Abilities; instead, their dice pools are assumed to take the spirit's knowledge into account. In some circumstances, such as a toad-spirit trying to do computer programming, the Storyteller should divide the spirit's lack of knowledge. Materialized forms do possess health levels like most physical creatures. Spirits usually have seven health levels, but the Storyteller may make exceptions for particularly large (like elephant-spirits) or powerful spirits. If a spirit "dies" in the Material world, it automatically enters Slumber upon its return to the Umbra. Many spirits will not use this Charm except in extraordinary circumstances; the modern world is far from welcoming to their kind.

Mummy: The Resurrection[]

Given the choice of life and death, we chose to live again as soldiers of Osiris. And this time, we got it right. We are stronger, wiser and more alive than most of the so-called "living." The lands of Faith are ours, and we shall make them clean. Egypt has been plundered by agents of Set and Apophis for long enough. Their time is over. Those who violate the principles of justice and balance are our prey, and we their relentless foes.

Death itself cannot turn aside our wrath.

We are the undying.

We are eternal.

Mummy: The Resurrection[]

Amenti is Destroyed. Osiris is Awake. The Undying are Wholly Reborn. The old Spell of Life has eased to work. In its place, Osiris has given his priests a new Spell of Life and a whole new breed of mummy. More alive than most of the living, the new mummies revel in the sensual world and strive to bring the principles of Ma'at to a World of Darkness.

Immortality Has Never Been so Good.

Mummy: The Resurrection brushes aside the veil of mystery and delves into the Middle Eastern World of Darkness to bring you completely revised and updated rules for playing mummy characters. Contained within are new spells, new horrors and new insights into the mysteries of Arabia, Egypt and the other lands of the Middle East that will open your eyes to facets of the World of Darkness you've never seen before,

Ask Me, I Know Everything[]

By Señor Fred.

I have no time for you today. No space either: Take what answers you can get; you won't get anymore this time.

Do any of the Hunter: The Reckoning edges cause aggravated damage?[]


Is a character is able to use blood points while in Tenebrous Form? Can other Obtenebration powers (such as Shadow Play) be used while in this form?[]

Yes and yes.

Are the Arms of the Abyss a solid, tangible matter, or are they shadows that magically affect matter?[]


Now go play Redemption - that's what I'm doing.

Fred cannot be reasoned with. Just be glad he doesn't work with you.

Werewolf and Me[]

By Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Developer Ethan Skemp

So Tim asks me, "Hey, where's that rant for Night Edition?"

And I say, "Huh?"

"You know, the one I need today? The one describing Werewolf Revised?"

And I say, "Crap."

Yeah, I know, I look like a lazy bastard. Which I am, to be honest. But in my defense (and every lazy bastard likes to make excuses), when you're hip-deep in a main rulebook, one of the last things on your mind is... well, anything other than the main rulebook. Which makes this particular rant - I guess it's meant to be a manifesto outlining Why Werewolf Needed Revising and Why You Should Buy This Book - kind of strange for me to write. See, for the past year plus change, I've been redlining a copy of Werewolf 2nd, making notes in the margins about stuff that needs changing and stuff that's really going to be hard to top. Every time I talk to one of my authors, every time I make suggestions for the art, I'm constantly thinking about the improvements we're working into the book.

And there's a crapload of improvements. Retooling the Gift lists into something more balanced. Streamlining the spirit rules. Adding in fiction so that people can actually see what it's like to be a werewolf, instead of just being told. Making the language evocative, the rules custom-tailored to the experience of being a werewolf - all these things. Shaking up the Garou Nation (in a way I can't mention here). And did I mention the art? The thing that makes this particularly tricky is that when you've been working on a project like this for so long - eating and sleeping and breathing Werewolf, living each change as it's made - it gets hard to summarize all the things that you think are improvements. You've been living with them. When someone asks you "So what's different?" you tend to look at them like they're just asked you "So what are you like?"

I could say, "I'm a lazy bastard," but the truth is that I'm composition of a thousand different things that make me me. And that's what's going on with Werewolf Revised. It's not about one big change or three things that are different - it's about hundreds of little things being changed, fine-tuned, made more evocative, gripping and interesting. It's about growing up from a long-legged cub into a lean, fierce predator: Werewolf Revised isn't just a list of Changes That Have Been Made - it's virtually a living thing now, the full-blooded wolf that the first edition cub and the second edition adolescent grew into.

I can't tell you in 500 words or less exactly what Werewolf Revised is. I can't tell you everything that's changed and all the reasons why. All I can say is that if you're interested, I have a friend I'd like you to meet. He's about 300 pages long, and he's got a hell of a bite. I think you'll get along just fine.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Sabbat War[]

The Eternal Struggle continues...[]

The war between the Camarilla and Sabbat rages across the American East Coast, and battle lines are drawn for the fate of the World of Darkness. Ancient elders pit their servants against one another in gruesome swathes of blood and terror.

Who will be the victor?[]

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, the collectible card game inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade and designed by the creator of Magic: The Gathering, has returned. Now, you are an elder vampire, manipulating pawns to destroy your enemies in the age-old Jyhad.

Whether you are a V:TES expert or a new player; you can sink your teeth into Sabbat War. This revised of the popular Sabbat set includes preconstructed starter decks and booster packs. Sabbat War features new cards, such as the hideous Tzimisce Sascha Vykos, that tie the set directly to the Vampire Clan Novel series.

Play Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, using the Sabbat War expansion with your friends, or locate players in your area at www.white-wolf.com/vtes.

Sabbat War premieres October 31, 2000. See the release schedule below for more details.

More Vampire Than You Can Handle[]

In November, White Wolf Merchandising is at it again with a bundle of new stuff, just in time for the holidays. Make sure to put these great items on your X-Mas list.

Vampire Revised CD-Rom[]

The Vampire CD-ROM puts player and Storyteller resources at your fingertips. It includes Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition, the guides to the Sabbat and the Camarilla, plus the Vampire Storytellers Handbook and Vampire Storytellers Companion. Everything you need to play Vampire: The Masquerade is included.

Vampire: The Masquerade Sweatshirt[]

What better way is there to keep your blood warm on a cold winter's night than with a high-quality Vampire: The Masquerade Sweatshirt? Reminiscent of the Final Nights T-shirt, this sweatshirt comes in our favorite color, black, and is available in sizes L, XL and XXL.

  • Stock #5790-5792, $29.95 U.S.

Vampire Clan Stickers[]

Mark your clan's domain with Vampire Clan Stickers. Each package contains several clan symbol stickers in different sizes and colors. Each of the 13 clans is represented.

  • Stock #5500-5512, $5.95 U.S. per pack

And for December...

  • Werewolf: The Apocalyse Revised Edition T-Shirt Stock #5760-5762, $21.95 U.S.
  • Werewolf Tribe Stickers Stock #5530-5543, $5.95 U.S.
  • Mage: The Ascension T-Shirt Stock #5763-5765, $21.95 U.S.

White Wolf's Winter 2000 Releases[]


Clanbook: Ventrue[]

Capitalists, aristocrats, crusaders and criminals: The Ventrue have assumed the prestigious but demanding role of leaders. Forever in the line of fire, they have sacrificed their own comfort for the good of all Kindred. Or is this all a façade that hides their excesses and greed? The proud history and black secrets of the clan revealed.

Stock #2358, ISBN 1-56504-255-7, $14.95 U.S.


Sorcerer Revised Edition[]

Whether wizards, visionaries or psychics, these crafty humans are more than mere mortals. Revised and updated, this volume elaborates on the powers of subtle sorcery in the new Mage Revised Edition line. Here you'll find rules for the various Paths of study, sorcerous rituals, and the Merits and Flaws of visionaries, mediums and sensitives. Plus, techno-sorcery, exceptional science, psychic phenomena, magical heritage and more.

Stock #4254, ISBN 1-56504-439-8, $19.95 U.S.

See Vampire article for more November releases by White Wolf Merchandising.


Aberrant Players Guide[]

The Aberrant Players Guide has everything you need to expand and empower your character, from ingenious new ways of using eufiber to powers that can only be described as "cosmic." This massive book contains new insights into what the life of a nova is really like, rules for creating and using gadgets, new and devastating capabilities, expanded Backgrounds, the full skinny on the N! Network, a catalog of nova-only organizations and much more.

Stock #8505, ISBN 1-56504-687-0, $25.95 U.S.


Artist's Spotlight on Joshua Gabriel Timbrook[]

Joshua Gabriel Timbrook's first artistic achievement came at age seven, when he won first place in a national contest by drawing Fruit Loops Cereal's Toucan Sam. As an original member of the White Wolf staff, Josh's contributions to the creation of Vampire: The Masquerade included illustrations that exemplified the term "Gothic-Punk." Much like his current projects, Josh remains shrouded in mystery. Joshua Gabriel Timbrook stands poised to re-interpret and reinvent whole genres with the stroke of his brush.

Go online with White Wolf. Check us out at:

  • http://www.white-wolf.com;
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WW: Night Edition Q3 2000
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White Wolf Night Edition
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WW: Night Edition Q1 2001