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White Wolf Night Edition Number 20 is a newsletter printed on poster stock and published in April 16, 2001. It is also a fold-out poster for Exalted.



News, Events and Epic Fantasy - Manga Style!. Take it. Punchy!


Hello there, friend. Are you bored by 101 bad new RPGs? Maybe your Pokémon collection ain't what it used to be? Summer not turning out quite the way you planned? No need to worry - White Wolf's got the cure for what ails ya! Try a liberal dose of Exalted, the game of epic fantasy in the Second Age of Man. And if that don't curl your hair, bash it out with your friends with Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Final Nights! Enclosed you'll find a complimentary sample. Enjoy!

Exalted Revealed[]

By Exalted Developer Geoffrey C. Grabowski

Do not believe what the scientists tell you. The natural history we know is a lie, a falsehood sold to us by wicked old men who make our world a dull gray prison and protect us from the dangers inherent to freedom. They would have you believe our world to be a lonely starship, hurtling through the void of space, barren of magic and in need of a stern hand upon its rudder.

Close your eyes to their deception. The time before our time was not a time of senseless natural struggle and reptilian rage, but a time of myth and sorcery. It was a time of legend, when heroes walked Creation and wielded the very power of the gods. It was a time before the magic of Creation lessened, a time before the souls of men became the stunted, withered things they are today.

This is the story of that time.

With those words begins Exalted, White Wolf Game Studio's new game of epic fantasy. Set during the Second Age of Man, Exalted tells the story of the return of the Solar Exalted - the greatest magicians and heroes to have ever walked Creation - and the beginning of the time that men will come to call the Age of Sorrow.

For over a thousand years, there were no Solars. They were betrayed and murdered by their Dragon-Blooded servants, and their souls were imprisoned so that they would never reincarnate. The golden age of sorcerous glory ended, and the splendid world of the First Age was cast into ruins by centuries of intrigue and warfare.

Now, a millennium later, men and women of great destinies have again been marked as the champions of the Unconquered Sun and set loose in the world. Once rules of the world, the Solars must now live by their wits. Hunted by the empire of the Dragon-Blooded and branded Anathema by the imperial cult, the Immaculate Philosophy, these reborn heroes must use their power wisely, lest they draw the attention and wrath of the Realm.

And it is a world in need of heroes. Since the disappearance of the Empress of the Dragon-Blooded, countless foes have risen to menace Creation. The Deathlords, the Fair Folk and the exiled Lunar Exalted all batter at the gates of civilization, while the siren call of the Realm's empty throne draws the Dragon-Blooded Dynasts closer to civil war. Only the Solar Exalted can save this world on the brink of chaos, and yet they themselves are not without fault. Each Solar carries within his or her heart a great curse, levied by the enemies of the gods in the days before history.

Set against a backdrop of sorcery, warfare and passion, Exalted is a storytelling game that allows players to take the part of Exalted heroes, living legends who walk in a world of vast and fallen glory. They might be the salvation of Creation, or perhaps they are the crowning sorrow of an Age already overflowing with woe.

Exalted uses the award-winning Storyteller system - the same system that drives White Wolf's best-selling game Vampire: The Masquerade - to breathe life into a world that combines the powerful iconography of computer roleplaying games and Japanese animation with the tremendous scope and compelling stories of epic literature. Stripped down and modified in this implementation to provide fast and dramatic resolution of events, the Storyteller system still delivers the flexibility and ease of use that has made it a favorite of gamers for over a decade.

This stunning game of epic heroes and fantastic adventure will be available in June, 2001. Reserve your copy today.

Look for more details on the creation of Exalted in The Making of Exalted, the companion to the Exalted Limited Edition!

Dace and the Chosen of Luna[]

An Excerpt from Exalted

Dace's horse thundered over the bridge, and the beastmen scattered like chaff before his charge. He swung his daiklave Dawnlight in a glittering arc, and it sheared through the chest of one who had not fled quickly enough.

Already, the Essence rolled off Dace in silent golden flames. It guided his hand as he parried the beastmen's spears, knocking aside three spearpoints and slashing the tip from another. Dace spurred his mount in a tight circle, and his blade flashed out around him. The mercenary's arm moved with far more then mortal speed, dipping and slashing without thought or hesitation. When the horse had finished its curvet, the courtyard was silent and empty of all but corpses.

Dace looked about him and saw that, like the bridge he had so recently ridden over, the courtyard was made of irregular stones fitted together with the impossible art of the First Age. Great staircases ascended the walls of either side and led to another immense plaza above. In it, more beastmen milled about. Dace's arm raised his sword and flicked the blade through an incoming arrow before his eyes had even registered that some were readying bows.

Dace spurred his steed up the wide stone stairs, and the beast picked up speed as it flashed up the flags. Beastmen scrambled to block the hero's passage and locked ranks at the head of the steps. As his mount reached the top of the steps, the mercenary touched his spurs to its flans, and it leapt over the heads of the beastmen who had sought to thwart him, a great trail of Essence burning behind it. The horse landed in a clatter of hooves, and before the warriors at the top of the stairs could spin, Dace was upon them.

Again, his daiklave slashed, and again, his foes spilled their lives upon the flagstones. The warrior, his blade, his horse - all were covered in splashed blood, and all around him was the reeking smell of death.

The voice that echoed from the shadows was melodious - almost charming. "Your sword is sharp, Solar. It cuts down my children with no more effort than a scythe cutting wheat. Hardly a peaceful way to enter the Manse of a comrade. What brings you to my abode?"

Dace turned his mount to face the terminus of the plaza - a great, shadowed stone doorway. Within it were only shadows - and something darker than shadows. It stepped out of the darkness and into the light. Its shape was that of a terrible thing, part wolf and part goat, ad not at all suited to the silvery-sweet voice that issued from its mouth. Its claws glittered blackly n the evening light, and a spear was gripped loosely in one hand. Its mouth hung open in an inarticulate snarl, but its eyes glittered with far more than animal intelligence.

"Your offspring have marched against the lands to the northwest, Chosen of Luna. Those people are under the protection of my Circle. Twice, we defeated their raids, and twice, we sent back survivors with messages to you must cease your raids. Yet, still, the raiders came. We left none alive from the third raid, and I have come in their place."

"You are foolhardy."

"I am your advocate. I come here against the protests of my fellows. Had they had their way, my sister Harmonious Jade would would have brought you silent death in the night."

The Lunar Exalted jumped backward without so much as a glance. It's leap was a single smooth motion that carried it to the head of the archway. "I will have no truck in the politics of the Exalted. My brothers and sisters spent centuries in exile for them. You would have been wise to heed your Circle and send your sister. If you wish the raids to stop, then show me I should fear you."

"It will take more than acrobatics to impress me, Ma-Ha-Suchi"

"If you know my name, Solar, then surely you know I am more than an acrobat. Come and find how much more, if you wish."

And so he did.

Am We Not Been Clear? Or Ask Fred[]

By Fred, AKA Tyler Durden

Apparently, some of you didn't catch the vagaries of our own pointy-headed marketing department in a recent article in InQuest magazine. In an ever-expanding effort to conceal the true nature of our game of Epic Fantasy in the Second Age of Man, we made some allusions that didn't, how do you say, connect. Here's a brief explanation of those elusive references.

John William Waterhouse and Katsuhiro Otomo[]

Waterhouse is the artist best known for his painting Ophelia. The godfather of Japanese-influenced American comics, Otomo is the creator of the modern classic Akira. This was meant to say that Exalted has a hyper-kinetic feel that's both fluid and modern, rather than most of the fantasy games we've seen, which draw a lot from the Medieval period, and are toilsome.

Homer and Tolkien[]

Okay, if you don't know who these guys are, please, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Homer, tradition has it, was a blind poet to whom the legendary epics The Iliad and The Odyssey are attributed. J.R.R. Tolkien is considered to be the father of modern fantasy, elves, dwarves, trolls, fairies, all that stuff. The point is, Exalted follows the spic dramatic themes rather than the epic drama of the fantasy genre.

Final Fantasy and D&D[]

If you didn't get that, what are you doing reading this?

I bet my Exalted character can beat up your Exalted character. Hey, watch it with that daiklaive!

Fred likes money. Send him unmarked bills in small denominations, c/o White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Final Nights[]

Back in October, 2000, when White Wolf released Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Sabbat War, we weren't really sure whether or not it was a short in the dark. Yes, there was an active fan base for the game, organized play and ranking through the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network (www.white-wolf.com) and a host of conventions with small tournaments. But was there enough support for "V:tES" as a full line?

The answer was a resounding HELL YES!

Final Nights continues the triumphant return of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle with over 160 completely new cards appearing if four, pre-constructed, clan-theme starters and booster packs. The set features much-demanded coverage of the independent clans - Assamites, Giovanni, Ravnos and Setites.

And what's in the future for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle? White Wolf has just given the green light to Bloodlines, an expansion covering the bizarre offshoots of the Kindred, and more expansions in 2002!

V:tES is back. And better than ever.

See the New Release Chart for more information on Final Nights!


The Dawn of a New Age[]

In 1922, a new era begins. An era of excitement and imagination. An era when men are forthright and women are courageous. An era of globe-hopping exploration and mad science. An era in which excitement awaits in the lofty skyscraper-penthouses of New York Coty and the squalid slums of Hong Kong, in the frigid wastes of Antarctica and the sweltering jungles of the Congo. It is the era of Adventure!

Heed the Call to Adventure![]

Adventure is a game of pulp action in which you are an inspired hero battling dastardly villains and bizarre monsters! It has rich source material on early 20th-century society around the world and complete rules for playing a daredevil in this exciting age, including special powers and details on building amazing inventions. Softcover.

Comics' Warren Ellis (Planetary, Transmetropolitan) joins White Wolf with introductory fiction to usher in the age of Adventure in August 2001!

White Wolf's Summer 2001 Releases[]


Veil of Night[]

A complete guide to the medieval Islamic world and the Cainites who rule its nights. From Moorish Spain and gilded Egypt to far-flung Persia and sand-swept Araby, vampires lurk. Complete details on the Muslim wings of all the clans, on new Roads and on the powerful Ashirra sect give you everything you need to play a vampire for from Christendom. The next in the Year of the Scarab series. Hardcover.

Stock #2832, ISBN 1-58846-206-4, $25.95 U.S.


Final Nights[]

Final Nights is the second expansion from White Wolf for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, the collectible card game inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade and designed by the creator of Magic: The Gathering. Following the success of the Sabbat War expansion, Final Nights provides over 150 new cards, presented in 11-card booster packs. Players who missed former Eternal Struggle sets can get previously out-of-print cards (plus new ones exclusive to the starters) through four Final Nights Starter Decks.

Final Nights Starter Display Stock #2562, ISBN 1-56504-462-2, $79.60 U.S.

Final Nights Booster Display Stock #2560, ISBN 1-56504-480-0, $99.00 U.S.


Book of the Wyld[]

The three books of the Trait are now complete. Book of the Wyld looks at the most enigmatic and misunderstood of the great spirit-forces of the universe, examining the Wlyd's contribution to the universe, its role in the World of Darkness - and the methods it uses to defend itself. Whether you seek to defend the Wyld or oppose its most outrageous creations, this is the book for you.

Stock #3113, ISBN 1-56504-367-7, $17.95 U.S.


Artist's Spotlight on... Melissa Uran[]

Melissa Uran allegedly began her career in illustration doing "ghost-inking" on Batton Lash's Wolff and Byrd comic book. Since then, she has done a variety of professional work in the game and comic book industries, from creating signature character images for White Wolf's Kindred of the East, to spot illustration for Viz communications and Steve Jackson Games. Her latest work for White Wolf includes illustrations for this summer's Exalted.

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