Nicholas Carver, now going by the name "Samson", is a former Kinfolk turned Garou and is the co-founder of the Skin Dancers tribe. He was the favored disciple of Samuel Haight who has continued on his mater's legacy and spreading the teachings of Ritual of Sacred Rebirth across the world.
He is the leader of The Vulture Walkers pack and potential reincarnated body of Samuel Haight
Some Garou love their Kin and treat them as best they’re able, given the limitations of duty and Rage. Some don’t. Nicholas was one of the unlucky Kinfolk, born to a domineering, abusive Glass Walker father who always resented not having a “proper heir.” Worse, his mother would take his father’s side; she’d sooner see her own son suffer than watch her husband grow any angrier. But for all that, Nicholas was still trusted with knowledge of the Garou’s existence and their secret war. His father needed someone to run the network of connections and brokers that funneled resources to the sept. He set that duty on Nicholas’ shoulders, and was painfully clear - very painfully - about the importance of getting the job done right.
When word came that his father had been killed in action, Nicholas realized he was free. He also realized that he hadn’t gotten any closure out of the deal: the family had never even seen the body. He wanted to know what his father’s death had been like. He wanted to know if there’d been any doubt, any regret for what he’d done. So he started using the network to learn more about his father’s killer. Soon he learned about the legend of The Skinner and set out to meet this hunter - not for revenge, of course, but to thank him and to ask him questions.
Nicholas wound up becoming one of the first Kinfolk that Haight entrusted with the Rite of Sacred Rebirth. He would have followed Haight on his various errands of power but The Skinner wouldn’t have any of it. Sam Haight told him instead to spread the word - teach the Rite to Kinfolk who’ve suffered. Give them a reason to stand up for themselves and a tool to even the odds. Nicholas took the word as gospel. When he heard about The Skinner’s death, he wasn’t even mournful: he still had work to do.
Over the years, Nicholas has been an influential figure who helped get the Skin Dancers established as an actual movement rather than a local irregularity. He was present for the first rite that called Minotaur and his high status among the Skin Dancers helped him come to Tick’s attention. When she called to him and offered him a relic of his dead mentor’s body and drive, he enthusiastically accepted. The scrap of Haight’s skin that Tick produced was in effect a fetish, one that became part of Carver’s body much as a fetish tattoo would. Within it was a spirit of memory, bound to feed upon, strengthen and assume the identity of the remnants of Haight’s spirit.
This fetish, a remembering remnant, has brought him closer to the will of his mentor. These days he’s taken the deed name of “Samson,” claiming to inherit the will of Samuel Haight along with a portion of Haight’s skin. The more blood he offers it and the more he stirs fear of The Skinner, the louder Sam’s voice gets.
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