Newspeak is a special slang designed by the New World Order for the agents of the Technocratic Union.
The primary intent of Newspeak is to clear the language and thought of agents of anything that could be associated with popular mysticism. Since such associations strengthen mysticism in the Consensus, the Union has its own Control-approved vocabulary to describe these phenomena. These are gathered in the Dictionary of Accepted Lexicon which is overseen the Collegium of Linguistics of the Ivory Tower.[1] Enforcement of Newspeak falls into the purview of individual supervisors, with each Convention having their own terms. Newspeak is additionally separated from scuttalk, which are slang terms that often lean concepts from popular culture or summarize more abstract forms of newspeak.
Newspeak is fluid and constantly adapted. Lobbying from the Collegium of Gender Studies in the New World Order, for example, changed the sexist term "Man in Black" for operatives into the more inclusive term "Blacksuit".
Glossary of Newspeak[]
- Adjustment: Use of subtle ways of Inspired Science that conform with the Consensus. Analogous to Coincidental Magic.[2][3][4]
- Amalgam: A group of technocratic agents joined for a specific reason. Similar to a Cabal.[5][6]
- Agent: 1. A term of distinction, used to designate a Technocrat who works with his amalgam selflessly to carry out missions;[4] 2. A designation of subservience, used to describe a low-ranking Technocrat who executes the plans of his superiors.[4]
- Anomaly: Any physical or dimensionally transient manifestation that does not behave according to the accepted laws of science.[6]
- Apparatus: A technological piece of equipment used for Inspired Science, a Focus.[3][7][5][6]
- Armature: Roughly analogous to Traditional Fellow.[5]
- Assay: The trial which a Cipher must pass before gaining the status of Fellow.[5]
- Autochthonia: The secret stronghold of Iteration X.[4]
- Avalon: The ideal of the Technocracy.[4]
- "Between Space": The Void Engineer name for Paradox Realms, especially those caused by Spirit, Correspondence or Time magicks.[8]
- Beyond: The realms of the Deep Universe.[9]
- "Big Joke": The geeky facade the Engineers present to the other Conventions to convince them that the explorers remain orthodox Technomancers.[8]
- Big Machine: Iteration X's term for Reality.[5]
- Biomechanics: The study of biomechanisms.[5]
- Biomechanisms: Devices which are designed to be permanently attached to one's body; a magickal prosthesis or cybernetic.[5]
- Biospheric Space: The Middle Umbra.[10]
- Black Suit: An operative of the New World Order, previously called a "Man in Black".[7][3]
- "Bottom Line": A slang term for the Syndicate paradigm.[2][9]
- Braindraining: The practice of luring or co-opting valuable or susceptible individuals away from other Conventions or Traditions and into the Syndicate fold.[2]
- Cell: An especially close-knit amalgam, chosen for compatibility and assigned to delicate operations. Common in Project Invictus.[6]
- Citizen: An unenlightened member of the Union.[6]
- Clearinghouse: The general term for a Syndicate front operation.[2]
- Collective: A societal Construct, a social Union created for the common good.[7]
- Collective Will: The way Reality acts as enforced by the Masses.[7]
- Colony: A Construct within the Deep Universe, analogous to a Horizon Realm.[3][6]
- Consensus: Also called Consensual Reality. The world as the Masses define it.[6]
- Construct: 1. A base of technocratic activity. Analogous to a Chantry.[7][6][5][6] 2. A bioengineerd or genegineered humanoid created by artificial (non-sexual) means.[6]
- Convention: A political faction of the Technocracy specializing in a particular Technocratic philosophy and craft.[7][5][6]
- Conventional Space: Reality within the realms of the Consensus. Used to differentiate it from parallel dimensions. Conventional Space ends at the Asteroid Belt, from which the Deep Universe begins.[10]
- Co-Op: a team of Engineers, usually from different Methodologies, who work together on joint projects; i.e., a cabal.[8]
- Cyborg: An agent possessing advanced technological devices within his body; usually, though not always, a representative of Iteration X.[9]
- Data-Recovery Specialist: A spy.[6]
- Deep Universe: Reality beyond the safety of the Conventional Space. Begins behind the Asteroid Belt, which acts as a natural barrier and stretches to the edge of the solar system.[7][8][11][6]
- Default: A subject marked for termination by Enforcers.[2][9]
- DEI: Digital Enhancement Implant. A Biomechanism which increases mnemonic and logic functions of a mages mind.[5]
- Deviance: Acts of willworking that un-Enlightened might call magic.[6]
- Device: A hypertech gadget, a focus. Often doubles as a talisman.[6][5]
- Dimensional Anomaly: The term for the Avatar Storm.[1]
- Dimensional Science: A special discipline of the Void Engineers; it allows operatives to travel into realms of non-standard reality (subdimensions) and defend our own from alien attack.[6]
- Dispatch Center: A mundane front for Technocractic operations.[2][6]
- Drycleaning: Handling a problem without resorting to violence.[2][9]
- Erg Cola: A high-energy beverage and food substitute.[9]
- Eidolon: Dreams symbols of the Genius. Analogous to Essence.[12]
- Empowerment: The realization of Genius, the Awakening. Ascension.[1][12]
- Enhancement: biological modifications either via cybernetic or genetic modifications.[12]
- Enlightened: Skilled in the techniques of using technology to alter reality, aware of the greater potential of humankind, and Awakened to the true nature of reality.[7]
- Enlightenment: 1. Growing understanding of Hypertech, as well as the ability to translate Reason into reality, Arete.[12]
- Ensemble Space: The High Umbra.[13]
- Entropic Space: The Underworld.[13]
- Extra-Dimensional Entity (EDE): A being from beyond the Horizon, a spirit or Alien.[14]
- Extraordinary Citizen: A Sleeper who understands the basic principles of Enlightened Science and can use basic procedures themselves, a technomantic sorcerer.[12]
- Final Notice: An official order, given by a Chairman, that initiates the process of termination for a Default.[2]
- Fortean Anomaly: An event not envisaged in Reality, ranging from Paradox to other, more strange things.[9]
- Fortune: The Syndicate's term for Reality. Also used in the more general sense of the inherent unpredictability of magickal manipulation or magick itself.[2][9]
- Front Lines: Earthly Reality, infested with deviants.[12]
- Gateway Travel: Faster-than-light travel which warps through magickal wormholes to cross vast distance in space.[8]
- Gengineering: Genetic engineering, a science perfected by the Progenitor Convention.[7][12]
- Genius: A flash of inspiration allows to understand hypertech, the Avatar.[12]
- "Grand Financier": The term used by Syndicate members to refer to themselves, as opposed to "mage." Not to be confused with Financiers, who are members of a specific Syndicate division.[2]
- Grand Unification Theory: The end goal of the Technocratic Union, Mass Ascension, their theoretical Tenth Sphere.[15]
- Gray Suit: Gray Man, a type of Technocracy Operative.[7]
- Great Deep: The realms beyond the Deep Universe.[9]
- Headhunter: An Enforcer who specializes in recruiting for the Syndicate.[2]
- HIT Mark: 1. A specific type of Iteration X enforcer that can deploy overpowering internal weaponry, usually dispatched as a method of last resort;[12] 2. A lumbering killing machine lacking in subtlety or restraint.[12]
- "Hollow Man": A slang term for an Enforcer.[2]
- "Hollowing Out": Termination by the Syndicate, either through simple firing, relocation, financial ruin or other, more-permanent methods.[2]
- Homo sapiens mortis: A Progenitor term for vampires.[16]
- Horizon: A barrier of disbelief surrounding the world, dividing the Real World from the terrors of the Deep Universe.[12]
- Hypermathematics: Theoretical mathematics that straddle the boundaries between metaphysics and mysticism.[17]
- Hypermeds: General term for advanced drugs and medicines.[9]
- Hypernarrative: Deep-rooted pieces of humanity’s subconscious that can be used to convince or seduce a person or society.[17]
- Hypertechnology: Technologies and sciences not currently part of the Consensus. Only usable via Inspired Science.[9]
- Influence: Mastery over specific aspects of the aspects of reality (Spheres) or social clout in an organization.[7][17][12]
- InSpector: Short for Information Specialist, an Enforcer specifically skilled in the theory and practice of industrial espionage.[2]
- Inspired Science: also called Enlightened Science, the ability to utilize hypertech and use Processes.[12]
- Iterator: A member of Iteration X.[5]
- The Ivory Tower: 1. An alliance of academics, bureaucrats and servants within the NWO; 2. The predecessor to the NWO, established during the Victorian era.[12]
- The Jump: The decision to abandon one's oldlife and live completely within the Technocratic Union.[9]
- Kamrad: UnAwakened memeber of Iteration X.[5]
- Kirlian lens: An apparatus used to allow Enlightened Watchers to observe spiritual and magickal activity.[7]
- LERMU: Living Entity Reality Modulator Unit. An agent genegineered to perform better int the realms beyond Earth's Horizon; often mistakenly described as a "gray alien."[9]
- "Lomaning": A form of Mind control over a subject, which convinces the subject that a certain individual is a bad, unreliable or untrustworthy business associate.[2]
- Market Correction: A Syndicate term for Paradox. Rejected by the other Conventions.[18]
- Masses: The mass of unawakened humanity.[7][5][4]
- Massesspeak: The lingo of the unawakened.[9]
- Mediation: Gaining deeper understanding of one’s Genius, a Seeking.[17]
- Messiah Effect: Used to describe the recent phenomenon of Sleepers that seem to have been empowered by unknown forces and taken up war against the paranormal.[19]
- Methodology: A philosophical/practical camp within a Convention; a paradigm of science.[7][5][4]
- Mindscaping: The magickal process of using technology to espionage to alter an individual's perceptions of reality.[7]
- Mundane: A single Sleeper.[5]
- Mutual: Aligned with technocratic ideals.[17]
- Mystic: A Syndicate term for a Tradition mage who specializes in quasi-religious magick, i.e., a member of the Akashic Brotherhood, Celestial Chorus, Euthanatos, or Order of Hermes.[2][9]
- Natural: A natural human, one who was born and raised among Sleepers.[7][9]
- Newlife: Life as a Technocrat, often with a new identity provided by a Convention.[20][4]
- Oldlife: Life pre-Empowerment as one of the Masses.[20][9]
- Operative: Capitalized: an Enlightened representative of the New World Order who works in espionage. Uncapitalized: a generic term for any employee of the Union.[4] Sometimes shorthanded to just "Op."[9]
- Outsourcing: A practice, employed by Disbursements, of obtaining equipment and material from the other Conventions in return for favorable funding and grants.[2]
- PAD: Prime Absorption Device; a machine used to extract Quintessence from Nodes.[8]
- Pandora Effect: The threat that the Masses could accidentally destroy themselves if their technological level advances too fast.[19]
- Paraphysics: The interaction of other dimensions and its denizens with Reality.[21]
- The Precepts of Damian: The six primary goals of the Technocracy, as established in the late 19th century.[4]
- PFT: Personally Fueled Tecknology, i.e., a magickal procedure which comes from the Technomancer, not from a Device.[8]
- Pogrom: A purge of Reality Deviants not aligned or supporting technocratic goals.[22]
- "Polishing": Slang term for using subliminal (or technomagickal) influence over someone.[2][9]
- Portfolio: A project (or series of them) under a Grand Financier's supervision. Each Syndicate agent is assigned a portfolio or two; the more she has (and the more successful they are), the greater her status and chances for promotion.[2]
- Post-Life Entity (PLE): The reflection of a deceased in the Dark Umbra, a wraith.[14]
- Primal: A Syndicate term for a Tradition mage who specializes in elemental magick, i.e. a member of the Cult of Ecstasy, Dreamspeakers or Verbena.[2]
- Primal Essence: The building block of reality, the smallest observable particle in the universe, Quintessence.[4] Also called Primal Force or Primal Energy.
- Primium: A secret alloy of hyperadvanced metal created for cybertech devices; also used to defend against deviant willworking.[4]
- Procedure: Ways of influencing reality with technology (rotes).[20][4]
- Processing: The act of influencing reality through science and metaphysics, also known as technomancy.[20][22][4]
- Processed: Describes a Traditionalist whose paradigm no longer threatens static reality, or a Sleeper or sympathizer who has been conditioned to be loyal to the Technocracy.[20][4]
- Provider: An un-Enlightened member of the Syndicate. Also known to Enlightened Syndicate members as "Our Friends," in accordance with their positions among the Masses and relevant usefulness to the Syndicate.[2]
- Pushing: Utilizing Enlightened Will to channel inner resources into a project. The spending of Quintessence.[9]
- Quantum Dimension: A Shard Realm.[23]
- Quantum Dimensional Shadow: A Shade Realm.[23]
- Quantum Voyager: Persons who can traverse the Anomaly unharmed. Stormwardens.[24]
- "Rat Race": Enforcers' slang to describe the environment of the streets, where the Syndicate's "dirty work" is done.[2][25]
- Reality Crime: Undermining of consensual reality.[4]
- Reality Criminal: One who has threatened humanity by reshaping Reality.[20]
- Reality Deviant (RD): A creature that exists beyond the proscribed boundaries of reality.[20][2][4]
- Reality physics: The secret scientific rules that govern reality and are discovered by Inspired Science.[21]
- Reality Programmer: A Technomancer skilled in altering an individual's perception of reality.[20]
- Reality Toxin: Taint, especially wyrmish taint.[26]
- Rejection: A progenitor term for Paradox. Rejected by the other Conventions.[18]
- Reorganization: The restructuring of the Union following the loss of contact to Control, analogous to the Reckoning.[1]
- Reprogram: Undergoing Social Conditioning.[21]
- Rogue: 1. An individual who must act secretly outside the parameter of a mission in order to fulfill it;[4] 2. A deviant agent who disobeys the mandate of his superiors and betrays his amalgam, thus sabotaging a mission.[4]
- Safe House: A base of operations on the front lines used by the New World Order.[20]
- Sanitization: Also called Burning. Attuning a Node to the static paradigm by purging it of deviant resonance.[8][21][25]
- Sentinel: Defense satellites which orbit the Earth in both realspace and Umbral space.[8]
- Shroud: A spiritual barrier used to protect humanity from the ghosts of the dead and defeat a spiritual paradigm wherein the dead may control the living.[20]
- Sleepteaching: A method of teaching someone who is asleep, usually through subliminal broadcast or induced dreaming.[20][4]
- Social Conditioning: Mind influences from Control to ensure loyalty, makes hostiles see Reason, and instruct the unenlightened, called “brainwashing” by critics.[20][4]
- "Spin Doctor": A slang term for a member of the Media Control division.[2]
- STAR Unit: Quintessence collector units used by Deep Universal craft.[8]
- Statistical Inevitability: An Iteration X and N.W.O term for Paradox. Rejected by the other Conventions.[18]
- Steelhead: 1. A cyborg; 2. stubbornly "orthodox" Technocrat.[25]
- Steelskin: A cyborg or other noticeably Enhanced agent.[25]
- Sterilize: The eliminate all physical evidence of an anomaly, thereby eliminating all belief in the manifestation that created it.[25]
- Subtle Influence: Hyprtech or Procedures used in ways that do not violate common belief.[4]
- Suit: 1. A garment worn by professionals of distinction, such as Syndicate managers and NWO Supervisors; 2. A professional who maintains objectivity, ensures profitability and maintains acceptable losses.; 3. A Supervisor or manager who's willing to sacrifice anyone or anything, including his own identity and ideals, for the sake of his personal advancement and profit.
- Superstitionist: A mage aligned with the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions.[2][25]
- Supervisor: A representative of a Symposium responsible for briefing amalgams on missions in the field. A team's Supervisor may change form mission to mission.[4]
- Sympathizer: An unEnlightened ally of the Technocracy, or an ally who does not realize she is Enlightened.[20]
- Symposium: An assembly that dictates the Union's activities in a city or other contained geographic area.[4]
- Tecknology: Engineer term for their brand of magick.[8]
- Tegmark Lensing: The effect that prevents Sleepers from seeing the Deep Universe.[14]
- Those Beyond: A common catch-all phrase for the Nephandi, Marauders, their allies and perhaps even the Oracles, who exist in the Deep Universe.[8]
- The Time Table: A grand vision set by the Inner Circle, expressing the Technocracy's goals over the next half-century. Usually internally documented and defined every 15 years.[4]
- UID: Universal Identification Designation, usually consisting of either two letters and a string of numbers (e.g., AT311), a binary code (e.g., 1001001) or, in more extreme circumstances, a fragment of genetic code.[4]
- The Un-Enlightened: Humanity, the Masses; humans without the capacity for willworking or Inspired Science.[4]
- "Unionist": A general slang term for a member of another Convention in the Technocratic Union.[2][25]
- Unmutual: Things or persons that are regarded as contrary to technocratic ideals.[17]
- Universal Craft: Umbral exploration or battle ships.[8]
- Void Adaption: Disembodiment.[23]
- Another use of Newspeak is its application is to incite the masses by using neologisms in order to confuse and intimidate them. This is not restricted to the Technocracy; Virtual Adepts and other technomancers are just as adept at stringing words together.
- Newspeak is an homage to the Newspeak of George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.