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The Newburgh Group is an informal governmental advisory body on occult threats to Great Britain, similar to the American FIRSTLIGHT, headed by Sir Simon Newburgh.


Newburgh Shadow

In 2009, the newly-founded JTRIG received a large dossier of intelligence from Mithras in the body of Monty Coven, who delivered the tip anonymously through Roger de Camden. The material detailed significant parts of the Anarch and Camarilla networks of Central and South London. The dossier identified numerous targets previously unknown to the authorities and established a clear but complex web of relationships between these and certain high-profile members of government, business and the media. Sir Simon Newburgh, the JTRIG's director, summoned Ishaq Khan and his allies to a clandestine summit meeting in Westminster, where this material was discussed.

Over the next few weeks, the "Newburgh Leak" was confirmed as legitimate, and the JTRIG joined forces with Ishaq to form the Newburgh Group. The outcome of the Group's first meeting was the formation of Operation Antigen, the precursor to the Second Inquisition as it exists in the UK, and arguably Europe at large.

The Newburgh Group was created as an official forum between the JTRIG and ECTU (now JTRG and SO13 respectively) to serve as a unified force against the newly-discovered blankbody conspiracy infesting London, supposedly with the clandestine backing of the Arcanum. While this remains just a rumor for now, the modern Newburgh Group's aptitude for sorcerous methods, as well as its habit of 'borrowing' magically-trained acolytes from the Arcanum, does make a case for having such an influence in its foundation. In either case, the Arcanum has direct channels established with the Group, which is only the case outside of the Group's leadership for Ishaq Khan himself.

The Newburgh Group now exists as a fully separate entity from either of the two orgs that formed it. Post-Antigen, it mostly exists as a coordination body, facilitating cooperation between the closely-intertwined JTRG and SO13 while providing occult knowledge to both. To what little extent it exists officially, it represents the UK's interests with the other factions of the Coalition, and vice versa.


The Group has no official remit, and barely any official existence, as is the case with most prominent agencies of the Coalition. Similarly to their American FIRSTLIGHT counterpart, the Newburgh Group prefers to simply advise other British agencies like the JTRG and SO13 on matters of strategy and occult lore, though it is not nearly as reluctant as FIRSTLIGHT to get its hands dirty. It also acts as a liaison between the British elements of the Coalition and parties outside of it, such as the rest of the British government and third-party orgs like the Arcanum.

As with all of the original five members of the Coalition, the Newburgh Group frequently operates far beyond the British Isles. In particular, since the fall of London, the Group has made use of the ECHELON intelligence-gathering program to monitor Canada, Australia and New Zealand, all countries who have not managed to organize their own government orgs on any large scale.

In keeping with their rumored Arcanum roots, the Newburgh Group are masters of weaponizing the occult, in a manner not dissimilar to the common practices of the orgs active prior to the Reckoning. The Group employs theurgists, self-proclaimed witches, and scholars of hermeticism. They frequently train sorcerers capable of nullifying supernatural activity around them. They are also considered specialists in discerning an individual blankbody’s powers, with a particular knack for identifying Oblivion, Necromancy, or Blood Sorcery powers.

When it does directly employ field agents, the Group generally has a distaste for open violence. Its operatives frequently pose as Neighborhood Watch groups, and excel at manipulating middle-aged busybodies into states of paranoia. Cover identities as local police officers or local government employees serve them well. They are also more open to the idea of utilizing vampirism to attempt to solve other world crises such as climate change and disease in comparison to most other groups in the Coalition, though the idea still remains fringe among their number.


Witch-hunter orgs
Coalition orgs USA: FIRSTLIGHT/SAD/IAO · Brazil: BOES/PMEX · Russia: GRU-N58/Akritai/Unit 242 · UK: Newburgh Group/JTRG/SO13 · Vatican: La Entità/Society of St. Leopold · Bureau IX · Calcédoine · G-Kontoret · HSP · TID · Unit 8211
Academic orgs Arcanum
Corporate orgs Chopra-wafadar · Fada · Monster-X · Neo Albion · Orpheus Group · Re:Venge · Strike Force Zero
Government orgs DAAE · Division Six · GSG 10 · Manila DoJ-SRP · Project Twilight
Religious orgs Ikhwan al-Safa · The Judges · Nails of Christ · Order of the Rose · Society of St. George
Vigilante orgs Cog Conspiracy · D-Club · Duffy Family · ECLIPSE · Mortician's Army · Toussaint Brigade

Sorcerous Affiliations
Standard Affiliations Ancient Order of the Aeon Rites · The Arcanum · Balamo'ob · The Children of Osiris · The Cult of Isis · The Cult of Mercury · The Dozen Priests of the Pythian Order · The Fenian · Forn Jafnaðr · Maison Liban · Mogen HaLev · Nebuu-Afef · The Nephite Priesthood · The Newburgh Group · The Seven Thunders · The Silver Portal · The Society of Enlightened Altruistic Ideologies · The Star Council · Thal'hun · US Government: Project Twilight · Uzoma
Mage-run Affiliations Council of Nine Mystic Traditions · Disparate Alliance · Technocratic Union
Redworking Affiliations The Almost Assembly · The Calderone · CRONUS/DOVECOTE · House Carna · House Goratrix · Lui Domien · The Plague Oracles · Sunburners
Minor or Defunct Affiliations Asatru Futhark · Bata'a · Masters of Stonecrop